Sunday, January 31, 2016

Bookish Lifestyle Digest: January 2016

So how did your first month of 2016 go, loves? Here at Bookish Lifestyle we were crazy busy! We added a new reviewer, had a range of reviews, and promotional posts.  The 2016 TBR Pile started off with a bang and we had an amazing response to reading Pivot Point - I will get to responding to all your comments, I promise!

Check out any posts you missed this month below and be sure to let us know your favorite memory from this month!


Our first month of the 2016 TBR Pile Read Challenge has come to a close. How have you done this first month? I (Andrea) have gotten five books read thus far, so I'm rather pleased with that number. We posted the January TBR Book Club Discussion (Pivot Point by Kasie West) so if you've read that, be sure to stop over and discuss with us!

Book Reviews

Andrea, 4/5
Andrea, 3/5
Andrea, 3/5 
Andrea, 3/5

Evie, 5/5
Jessica, 4/5
Andrea, 4/5 (TBT) 
Andrea, 4/5d

Evie, 5/5
Andrea, 5/5 (TBT)
Andrea, 3/5 
Andrea, 3/5

Andrea, 3/5 (TBT)
Andrea, 5/5
Andrea, 5/5 
January TBR

Debbie, 5/5
Andrea, DNF

Lifestyle Reviews


Promotional Posts


Discussion Posts

Jessica recapped her 2015 year in music with a post that should introduce you to some awesome artists! As well as kicked off 2016 with some great suggestions and discussing her uneventful January.

Jessica's Indie Author Spotlight this month was Shana Vanterpool author of the Demise Series. Be sure to check out Shana's guest post and enter her giveaway!
Reagan formally introduced himself, so be sure to read his post and learn more about our newest member!

Tell us - what went on in your month?! What were some of your favorite books this month? Favorite posts from either your blog or others? What are some new (or old) and noteworthy things we should know about? Be sure to leave a link!
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