Thursday, November 29, 2012

BLOG TOUR: Guest Post by Michele Vail, author of Undeadly + Giveaway

By Molly Bartolucci

Necromancers have been around since forever. The first users of death magic were recorded in early ancient Egyptian history—around the time they started figuring out how to mummify people. They also figured out how to start zombifying people.

Supposedly, Anubis watches all the humans who are born with heka gifts, and if they use their magic well and don’t act like jerks, then he offers them a reaper job after they die. It’s like anyone who’s born with death magic is training to be a reaper in the afterlife.

Just so we’re clear, reapers are dead.

On the up side, I have a very nice scythe. (Alas, I have yet to find the perfect shoes to match it … but I won’t give up the search.)

The five Heka powers are:

KaHeka – Re-animates dead bodies using a teeny tiny part of the soul called the ka. (Pretty common ability these days.)

RenHeka – Calls forth and communicates with earth-bound spirits. (Lots of necros can do this one, too.)

SheutHeka– Creates and commands soul shadows. A soul shadow is sorta like peeling away the top layer of the soul. (This power is rare, and a total no-no. Anyone unlucky enough to be born with this ability is whisked away by the government. Well, that’s what the Internet says, so it must be true.)

Ba Heka – Supposedly, baheka necromancers can bind souls and keep them from entering the afterlife. (No one in modern times is known to have this gift. Or maybe they’re hanging out with the sheuthekas in a government lab.)

IbHeka – Sees into the heart of the soul, and knows the person’s true worth. (Necromancers who have this ability usually go crazy, or become hermits, or sometimes, they start cults. A few have been serial killers.)

And oh yeah, very rarely a necro is born who has two gifts. The last one recorded was Leonardo Da Vinci. No known human has ever had all five gifts. It's almost impossible, because a human with that kind of power couldn't handle it.

So, you have to be born with the gift of necromancy and then you have to train. And some of us go to schools like Nekyia Academy to learn how it all works. If you’re lucky, like me, you have a Rath. He’s cute, even when he’s a pain in the butt.

But don’t tell him I said that.



About Michele Vail - website | twitter | facebook 

Michele Vail writes young adult paranormal fiction about zombies and reapers. She likes reading, dogs, cats, board games, ghost-hunting shows, and Halloween. She believes in magic, in the impossible, and in the restorative powers of chocolate. Michele lives happily-ever-after with her Viking and their family.
About Undeadly Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Indiebound | Book Depository



Contest Info:  There are two give-aways for his tour! (US/Can only)

1.) The first give-away is a copy of Undeadly is this Tour Stop only. You can enter via Rafflecoper widget.

2.)The second give-away is an Kindle Paperwhite skinned in the Undeadly cover Art!

Simply enter via the Rafflecoper widget and get extra entries for tweeting (once per TourStop), following Michele on twitter, leaving your mailing address (for faster shipment of the prize) and for leaving a comment at each Tour Stops (one extra entry for each TourStop)  

See full contest rules here.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tour schedule:

Monday, November 26th – Bookish Brunette - The Care of Feeding Zombies
Tuesday, November 27th  (Book Birthday) – Fiktshun - Illegal Zombies
Wednesday, November 28th – Wastepaper Prose - 5 Quotes
Thursday, November 29th – Evie Bookish 
Friday, November 30th –  All Things Urban Fantasy
Monday, December 3rd- Tater’s Tall Tails 
Wednesday, December 5thThe Book Cellar
Friday, December 7th- Refracted Light Reviews

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About the Author
Evie is the Blogger behind Bookish. She enjoys reading many different genres, especially YA, Paranormal, Contemporary Fiction and Fantasy.
She loves talking to authors and is always happy to welcome them for interviews, and guest posts. She also likes spreading the love for awesome books and  chatting with fellow book-worms.
You can find Evie here: Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads | Shelfari | The Library Thing


Patty Nightdream said...

Hi, thank you for a really good giveaway§ :)

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway, I especially loved reading about the Heka powers, and can't wait to learn more about the rare/forbidden ones :)

Wrighty said...

Sounds like a great story and I look forward to reading it. Best wishes and thanks for a terrific offer! :)

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Awesome book and giveaway ;D thanks

Kai said...

I can hardly wait for the book release. Looking forward to reading the Undeadly.

KMichelleC87 said...

thanks for the giveaway


Rachel V said...

Thanks for your honest opinion on this book. This is on my TBR list.

Unknown said...

Great tour and giveaway! Thanks :) The book sounds great and I can't wait to check it out.

erin said...

Sounds fantastic! Thanks for sharing and for an awesome giveaway!

The Little Green Art Witch said...

Great giveaway!!! Beautiful cover, too!

Thanks so much!!!
Known to Read

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway. I can't wait to read this book. It sounds very good.

Jen R. said...

I'd love to have IbHeka, but I don't wanna become a serial killer! XD Funny post!

Tiffany Holme said...

Wow I totally had no idea there was that many different Necromancy types. That was an awesome and informative guest post!! Thanks for the giveaway as well!

sherry fundin said...

Book sounds great and so does the giveaway. Thanks.

Lindy Gomez said...

Thank you Michelle and Evie for the awesome giveaway :)

Jaime Lester said...

Thank you Michele for allowing this awesome giveaway, and thank you Evie for hosting! Both of you rock!

Bookish in a Box said...

What happens to people with heka gifts who *do* act like jerks? Because, personally, I would NOT want to cross Anubis...

Dani' said...

Thanks for the giveaway. I think my kids would like this.

Read Between the Lines said...

Thx for sharing I would love to read this it sounds good and engaging

Keslynn said...

Really interesting mythology. Definitely a magic system I'd like to read more about.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the chance to win! I'm so excited for Undeadly.

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