Saturday, December 1, 2012

BLOG TOUR: Trapped by Michael Northrop (+GIVEAWAYS)

To celebrate the release of TRAPPED in paperback, we are hosting an exclusive blog tour with only 7 stops! :) Each tour host will be giving away a gorgeous finished copy of TRAPPED and the giveaways are all INTERNATIONAL, so be sure to check each one of them out and enter! :)

I've had the pleasure of reading and reviewing TRAPPED last year, during my MEN in YA event, and I absolutely adored it. It was realistically bone-chilling and very gripping! It's an exciting YA read that will keep you on the edge of your seat! :)

Here's the tour schedule!

December 1st - Giselle @
December 2nd - Tiffany @ 
December 3rd - Emily @
December 4th - Jessirae @
December 5th - Amy @ (+ guest post)
December 6th - Asheley @ (+guest post)
December 7th - Justin @ 


"The day the blizzard started, no one knew that it was going to keep snowing for a week. That for those in its path, it would become not just a matter of keeping warm, but of staying alive. . . .

Scotty and his friends Pete and Jason are among the last seven kids at their high school waiting to get picked up that day, and they soon realize that no one is coming for them. Still, it doesn't seem so bad to spend the night at school, especially when distractingly hot Krista and Julie are sleeping just down the hall. But then the power goes out, then the heat. The pipes freeze, and the roof shudders. As the days add up, the snow piles higher, and the empty halls grow colder and darker, the mounting pressure forces a devastating decision."

About the author:
Michael Northrop is the author of two YA novels—Gentlemen, one of the American Library Association's "Best Books for Young Adults" for 2010, and Trapped, a Spring 2011 Indie Next List selection—and the new middle grade novel Plunked. He spent 12 years chasing stories at Sports Illustrated Kids, the last five as baseball editor. His articles and stories have been published widely.

Connect with Michael Northrop: Goodreads | Author Website|  Twitter | Facebook 

Help us celebrate the release of Trapped in paperback, read the reviews and guest posts, comment, tweet, and GET TRAPPED! :)


►Vivi ©endana甄◄ said...

i think trapped will be my 1st YA book to read if i win this giveaway
and the book sound good

Wrighty said...

I've been looking forward to this one. I can't believe it's out in paperback already! Thanks for hosting! :)


erin said...

Sounds fantastic! Congrats to Michael on the new release and thanks for the fabulous giveaway!


Dorine White said...

Ah- I love disaster books. This one sounds good.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to read this book. It has been on my list to read books. Thanks for the giveaway. Please enter me in contest.

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