Monday, August 15, 2016

Book Release Day: Author Interview + Giveaway: Beneath the Void by Elisa Dane

Young Adult Fiction
Publication.Date  August 9th 2016
Published By:  Swoon Romance
AuthorElisa Dane

Beneath The Void on Goodreads
My review copy:Courtesy of Net galley 
Where to get:

Amazon Kindle

Sadie Reynolds is drowning.

Months have passed since Ian Daniels and Newton Daily opened fire at Atwood High school, killing dozens of students before turning the guns on themselves.

Determined to pay tribute to her fallen classmates and teachers, Sadie’s thrown herself into the memorial project at the newly rebuilt school. But it’s not enough. Horrific dreams of the shooting intertwined with memories of the night her mother was murdered keep her up at night and haunt her during the day.

The constant stream of hate raining down on her from faceless social media trolls only make matters worse. Her boyfriend, Hayden brings the only source of relief when he sneaks in to sleep next to her on nights her dad is at work.

Desperate for normalcy, Sadie fills every waking moment of her day with anything to take her mind off her pain. If she’s exhausted, she’ll be too tired to acknowledge the new threat gunning for her.

BENEATH the VOID is book 2 in Elisa Dane's Fighting Chance series, a hard-hitting and unapologetically raw look at teen violence in schools and the aftermath of learning to pick up the pieces and heal.

OMG I can't believe I have the please of interviewing one of my favorite indie authors Elisa Dane. I discovered Elisa on Instagram and have been hooked on her books ever since. This book was no different. Here are the answers to some of my burning questions. 

Physical book or e-book?- Oh gosh! This is always a tough question as I like things about both. I'm going to say ebook first. Then, if I fall in love with the book and author, I'll buy a physical copy as well :)

Audio or book in hand? Book in hand. Though, I will say I've been listening to a lot of audio books this year while I do housework etc. Great way to pass the time!

Paperback or hardcover? Hardcover!!

Adult or Young Adult? Young Adult, though I love adult romance.

Series or standalone? Series! When I fall in love with a character, I want to read more about them.

Breaking the spine or barely opening the book? Barely opening the book! I'm picky about broken spines.

Borrow or buy? Buy! I always want to support my fellow authors.

Bookstore or online? Well, I prefer a bookstore, but since they closed the only B&N close to me, I'm gonna have to go with online. I do get to travel out to Half Price Books on occasion, and that's always fun.

Fiction or non-fiction? Fiction all the way!

What inspired you to write your first book? I'd just finished reading the Twilight series and got the writing bug.

What book are you reading now? I just finished listening to the Rock Chick series by Kristen Ashley on Audible. I've also started Queen Of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas, but haven't had much time to read it. Hoping that changes soon!

Who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work? For YA, I'm going to go with SJM. I was swept away by ACOTAR and ACOMAF. Her characters are rich and endearing, and her writing is superb. For adult romance, I adore Kristen Ashley. She's my new favorite. Fun characters, witty writing, and great plots.

What were the challenges (research, literary, psychological, and logistical) in bringing your books to life? I'm lucky enough to have a police officer for a hubby. He specializes in school safety, which was a bonus for me as I had access to a great deal of facts and procedures. It was important to me to be as realistic as possible with this series, and feel blessed to have had his input.

Do you indentify with this character (Sadie Reynolds) or is she a complete work of fiction? Sadie is a complete work of fiction. I knew I wanted to write a story about a school shooting, and I knew I wanted to create a character that needed to overcome many obstacles. I put poor Sadie through the wringer, but she's rising to the occasion!

ELISA DANE is a self-proclaimed book junkie. A lover of handbags, chocolate, and reality television, she's a proud mother to three All- Star cheerleaders. Writing is her absolute passion, and it's her mission to create stories that will not only take you on a romantic journey that will warm your heart, but help you find a new respect and interest in the sport of All-Star cheerleading.

Elisa is no stranger to the publishing world. She writes steamy paranormal romance under her real name, Lisa Sanchez. Her adult works include the Hanford Park series (Eve Of Samhain, Pleasures Untold, and Faythe Reclaimed), Obsessed (an erotic suspense), and a paranormal novella, Cursing Athena. Elisa lives in Northern California with her husband, three daughters, and a feisty Chihuahua who stubbornly believes she's human.

You can connect with Elisa at the following places on the web:
Facebook - Elisa Dane, and Lisa Sanchez Romance Author
Twitter - @ElisaDane, and @LisaSanchez3
Website -, and

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