I am thrilled to be a stop on the book tour for Arrows by Melissa Gorzelanczyk hosted by Rockstar Book Tours! Today, I have an interview for your reading pleasure, but be sure to check out the additional stops below, or click on the tour banner above, for more!
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Author: Melissa Gorzelanczyk
Series: Standalone
Release Date: January 26, 2016
Publisher: Delacorte Press
Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary, Realistic Fiction, Mythology, Romance
Find it: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iBooks
A modern cupid story set in present-day Wisconsin combining the fantastical elements of Greek mythology with the contemporary drama of MTV's Teen Mom.
People don’t understand love. If they did, they’d get why dance prodigy Karma Clark just can’t say goodbye to her boyfriend, Danny. No matter what he says or does or how he hurts her, she can’t stay angry with him . . . and can’t stop loving him. But there’s a reason why Karma is helpless to break things off: she’s been shot with a love arrow. Aaryn, son of Cupid, was supposed to shoot both Karma andDanny but found out too late that the other arrow in his pack was useless. And with that, Karma’s life changed forever. One pregnancy confirmed. One ballet scholarship lost. And dream after dream tossed to the wind.
A clueless Karma doesn’t know that her toxic relationship is Aaryn’s fault . . . but he’s going to get a chance to make things right. He’s here to convince Danny to man up and be there for Karma. But what if this god from Mount Olympus finds himself falling in love with a beautiful dancer from Wisconsin who can never love him in return?
This fast-paced debut novel explores the internal & external conflicts of a girl who finds herself inexplicably drawn to a boy who seemingly doesn't reciprocate her feelings, touching on the issues of love, sex and responsibility, with a heroine struggling to control her destiny--perfect for fans of Katie McGarry's novels and MTV’s 16 and Pregnant.
Interview with Melissa Gorzelanczyk
Welcome to Bookish Lifestyle, Melissa! I'm so excited to have you here with us today! In tweet form (140 characters or less), how would you describe the story of Arrows to those who haven’t heard of it yet?
Hey, thanks for having me.
Since my agent Carrie Howland and I met through a single tweet, I’ll throw-back to one of my original #PitMad entries:
An ambitious cupid is stripped of his power until he fixes a ballet prodigy’s life, originally derailed by his arrow. YA myth adapt #PitMad
What was the inspiration behind your story?
I think the plot started because I loved the idea of “cupids among us” while also being able to explore what love is, and what it’s not.
From there, inspiration was layered during multiple revisions and brainstorming sessions. Putting my own spin on the myth of Cupid and Psyche--as well as reflecting on bad relationships I’ve experienced or observed in real life--helped add depth to the story.
What is the hardest line to write - the first or the last?
I’d say the last. A scene doesn’t start to take shape for me until the first line feels right.
Teaser: the last line of Arrows is only two words.
What characters from mythology are your favorite? Do you have a favorite mythological couple?
They’re all a little terrible, aren’t they? That said, of course I love Aaryn, the cupid in my book.
I also really really love Psyche—the girl who gave up her human existence for love. That’s so sweet and tragic and gutsy. And she stood up to her crazy mother-in-law.
What is the most memorable reaction you've had from a reader?
One girl finished my book and said it made her realize the relationship she was in wasn’t healthy.
Now, I don’t hope everyone reading my book decides to break up, but I believe true love should feel good. I wrote more about that here: http://www.melissagorzelanczyk.com/blog/first-lines-love-shouldnt-hurt/
If I could live in any TV/movie/book universe, it would be . . . I’d want to switch between Gossip Girl (hello, Chuck Bass) and Friends (because I’d always be laughing).
If I could tell the world just one thing, it'd be . . . Take a chance.
I'm addicted to . . . Two things: Coffee, and that feeling I get when I write a line I love.
Hey, thanks for having me.
Since my agent Carrie Howland and I met through a single tweet, I’ll throw-back to one of my original #PitMad entries:
An ambitious cupid is stripped of his power until he fixes a ballet prodigy’s life, originally derailed by his arrow. YA myth adapt #PitMad
What was the inspiration behind your story?
I think the plot started because I loved the idea of “cupids among us” while also being able to explore what love is, and what it’s not.
From there, inspiration was layered during multiple revisions and brainstorming sessions. Putting my own spin on the myth of Cupid and Psyche--as well as reflecting on bad relationships I’ve experienced or observed in real life--helped add depth to the story.
What is the hardest line to write - the first or the last?
I’d say the last. A scene doesn’t start to take shape for me until the first line feels right.
Teaser: the last line of Arrows is only two words.
What characters from mythology are your favorite? Do you have a favorite mythological couple?
They’re all a little terrible, aren’t they? That said, of course I love Aaryn, the cupid in my book.
I also really really love Psyche—the girl who gave up her human existence for love. That’s so sweet and tragic and gutsy. And she stood up to her crazy mother-in-law.
What is the most memorable reaction you've had from a reader?
One girl finished my book and said it made her realize the relationship she was in wasn’t healthy.
Now, I don’t hope everyone reading my book decides to break up, but I believe true love should feel good. I wrote more about that here: http://www.melissagorzelanczyk.com/blog/first-lines-love-shouldnt-hurt/
If I could live in any TV/movie/book universe, it would be . . . I’d want to switch between Gossip Girl (hello, Chuck Bass) and Friends (because I’d always be laughing).
If I could tell the world just one thing, it'd be . . . Take a chance.
I'm addicted to . . . Two things: Coffee, and that feeling I get when I write a line I love.
About the Author
Melissa Gorzelanczyk is a former magazine editor and columnist who believes love is everything. A dreamer for life, Melissa has been writing books since she was nine years old when she penned her first story about a beloved black horse. She is a member of the Class of 2k16, the SCBWI and The Sweet Sixteens. She lives in Green Bay, Wisconsin, with her husband and family.
Tour Schedule
1/18/2016- Seeing Double In Neverland- Interview
1/19/2016- A Perfection Called Books- Review
1/20/2016- Ohana Reads- Guest Post
1/21/2016- The Best Books Ever - Review
1/22/2016- Once Upon A Twilight- Review
1/25/2016- Bookish Lifestyle- Interview
1/26/2016- Literary Meanderings- Guest Post
1/27/2016- DanaSquare - Review
1/28/2016- Two Chicks on Books- Interview
1/29/2016- Here's to Happy Endings- Review