What is it?
During the last week of every month, we'll feature an indie author. That author can provide an interview (author or character), an excerpt, a guest post, or anything else they have in mind. They can choose to include a giveaway or not (definitely not mandatory on that!). It'll just be a fun post to shine some light on a different indie author each month.
What do I mean by "indie author"? Well, if you're self-published, for one. That part's a given. But also if you're with a small press. I'll also count that as indie. Because I'm really looking to spread the author love here--that's the whole point.
How to get featured?
If you're an indie author who would like to be featured in a spotlight, fill out the form below! (Or if you can't see the form for whatever reason, click this link.) After you fill out the form, I'll get in contact with you and we'll sort out a post!
(If you're unsure about whether or not you'd like to sign-up, or if you have any questions, email me at makesmeworse12 [at] gmail [dot] com and we can talk!)
Thank You!
Thank you for dropping by Bookish, thank you for signing up, and thank you for just being awesome! If you're a reader with an indie author in mind for this, be sure to send them over to this post to check it out!

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