Genre: YA, FantsyPublication Date: May, 2014 Pages: 329 Published By: Strange Chemistry Website The Wizard's Promise on Goodreads Cassandra Rose Clarke Website My review copy: From Publisher for honest review
Where to get:
As she tries to get back, she learns there may be more to her apprentice master than she realized, especially when a mysterious, beautiful, and very non-human boy begins following her through the ocean, claiming that he needs Hanna’s help.(Goodreads)
Something tickled in the back of my mind, a phantom thought that maybe I shouldn't trust him. But that was absurd. I'd trusted him for three years, and besides, he was Mama's best friend.
No one would tell me the truth. And I was sick of it, sick of being a puppet they pushed around whenever they needed.
"I think I have the right to know." I crossed my arms over my chest. "You're the reason I'm stranded here, after all. If you hadn't gotten involved"
Cassandra Rose Clarke first pulled me in with her masterfully crafted world in The Assassin's Curse. Her writing is absolutely beautiful and her characters are executed almost flawlessly. This is an author that leaves nothing half done and you could float into the world as easily as breathing. There is such a wide array of people and creatures that you quite simply flip through the pages to see what new things will come up next. The Wizard's Promise being a branch off of The Assassin's Curse, with different characters was surprising to start but delivered most of what I have come to expect from this author.
I was not let down with the Wizard's Promise, though it did take some adjusting to the characters and the new worlds. Though as I said what I love about Clarke's writing is the masterfully crafted world. It is so easy to become a part of this book, see virtually every detail of what is going on. There were times that I could see the extension it was of the previous books as well, only adding to the vision I had of the surrounding. The lull in this book for me came from the slower pacing in the front half of the read. It wasn't snail slow but simply was a long show of building the world, characters and what was going on. However, once you get through the thickness of everything, pacing picks up and you get to the action and adventure that this author does so well.
Hanna is generally a good character. She has hopes and wishes of a future where she is not stuck on a fishing boat but is something greater. What I think pulled her down for the first while was the complete oblivion that she was kept in. No one was telling her anything and what she was being told by the mysterious stranger Isolfr, was incredibly cryptic. To say she was clueless would be totally unfair because she knew she was being lied, omitted to and all around generally kept in the dark. I think once she was on her own two feet attempting to move forward she was awesome. She is a strong female and has no place not being told the truth because she is stronger and better than that. By the end she had pulled some serious stuff off and has shown that she will seriously rock the next book.
Romance has no place in this book. I wish it was in there lightly like it had been with the last duology, but quite simply it was not. There was however, room to create a friendship that lead to greater growth. So, although I miss the romance that could have quietly grown in the background of the story, part of me accepts that it was just not meant for this book. Isolfr is also something quite unique and that's probably why I wished for them to like each other. I mean he might not be aloud to because of his heritage and station or something, but that didn't make me wish less. I loved what Clarke did with him and the mystery that surrounded him. I am anxious to see more of what he can do and how his character will grow.
Though The Wizard's Promise was not what I had expected to walk into, it was unique and enjoyable once I got into it. I cannot help but love the writing and the creativity that this author pours into her books. I will without a doubt pick up the next book to see where everyone is headed and how/if Hanna obtains what she truly desires. There will be trials and action I am sure and with the world so solidly established, surely no time will be wasted in getting to it. This book should be picked up by people that love fantasy and well developed writing!

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