Welcome to my stop on the Drowned by Nichola Reilly blog tour!! I really
hope you guys check this book out! You wont be disappointed!!

Genre: Dystopia, Fantasy, YAPublication Date: June 24, 2014 Pages: 304 Published By: Harlequin Teen Website Drowned on Goodreads Author Website My review copy: Netgally, Provided for honest review in tour
Where to get:
Coe is one of the few remaining teenagers on the island of Tides. Deformed and weak, she is constantly reminded that in a world where dry land dwindles at every high tide, she is not welcome. The only bright spot in her harsh and difficult life is the strong, capable Tiam—but love has long ago been forgotten by her society. The only priority is survival.
Until the day their King falls ill, leaving no male heir to take his place. Unrest grows, and for reasons Coe cannot comprehend, she is invited into the privileged circle of royal aides. She soon learns that the dying royal is keeping a secret that will change their world forever.
Is there an escape from the horrific nightmare that their island home has become? Coe must race to find the answers and save the people she cares about, before their world and everything they know is lost to the waters.(Goodreads)
I'm grateful for Fern, though. She is the only one who still smiles at me. As for the others, we are not friends. We do not trust or like anyone, even our own family membersif we have any of them left, and most of us don't.
Every man for himself. My dad taught me that. It was the reason he cared, the reason he tried to help people. Because when that's the case, when everyone is fighting for that last bit of space in the formation... That's it. It's over.
We called it progress, but maybe while we were busy building machines that could make it so much easier to access information like the average daily diet of the Northern Cuckoo, we were also building our own coffins.
My Thoughts
Curiouser and Curiouser...
Pen name or not Nichola Reilly (Cyn Balog), really brought some new questions to the table. Where I am used to her writing consisting of some beautiful cross between paranormal and fantasy, Drowned brought something entirely new to the table. This author has crossed over into a dystopia type world and I will admit it was not what I expected to start, but I got most of what I wanted by the end.
The world building in this read was unique. Truth be told there was not much to see or discover, the world is flooded after all. However, what part we do see is wonderfully drawn out. The island that Coe resides on is not quite a safe haven, and even when the tides are not completely covering what little land there is left, danger hides everywhere. Danger is such a weak word for what the characters of this book endure though. It is not just the sea life that has adapted to the fickle tides, or the sea that threatens even those on the platform, but the people that should be supporting each other. With fewer than 500 known people remaining you would think that everyone would look out for each other, but it's not that simple. Dealing with death on a daily basis has made everyone look out for themselves, and cold to most emotions. Between the world building, the danger and the well laid out plot this book was really easy to get into.
Coe was not a character that I loved but she did fetch a large amount of emotion from within me. She may have had a disability but that did not make her a weak character, just one that lacked confidence. However, this was a stark contrast to her actions. Coe did not give up or give in, and loved with all she had in a world where love was not welcome or accepted. Despite her own insecurities, it seemed that once she had her heart set on something nothing was getting in the way. I also enjoyed that she wasn't perfect, because it made it easier to relate to her and her decisions. It may have helped that she was also not a rash person and therefore did not make the type of decisions that piss us all off. Coe is a survivor and resilient, honestly there is nothing not to like about her.
The romance in this book was light. It kind of had to be in all honesty, because as I stated above love is not something that is accepted or given. However, Tiam is the kind of guy that could give most girls that warm feeling. He is a caring individual but he also had little things that irritated me. He is one of those people that is bound by duty, meaning once he says he will do something he will. This includes going against his own feelings (once he figures them out), to do something else that he told someone he would do. Although despite all of this I liked him and how kind he was naturally to Coe. His feelings for her were genuine, and I believe that he really would have done anything to protect her. For Coe's sake so many times I wished that he would let go of duty and just feel what she wanted him to. Though what Reilly did was wonderful and it suited the world and characters that she created.
Drowned was a really enjoyable read. My only qualm being that I wish the ending didn't feel so compacted. I felt like there could have been another book... Maybe there is but there was so many things that made my heart cry out and wish for answers. However, in general this was a fantastic read and I enjoyed almost every moment of it. The writing flowed, the characters and the world was well defined and I found the pacing was set just right. If you are a fan of Cyn Balog, I highly recommend that you give this a try. If you have never read anything by the author before pick this one up if dystopia's, that mau hold a trace of fantasy interest you.
About the Author
Cyn Balog is a normal, everyday Jersey Girl who always believed magical things can happen to us when we least expect them. She is author of young adult paranormal novels; FAIRY TALE (2009), SLEEPLESS (2010), STARSTRUCK (2011), TOUCHED (2012), and her most recent release: DEAD RIVER (2013).e. She lives outside Allentown, Pennsylvania with her husband and daughters.She also writes under the pen name Nichola Reilly. Nichola Reilly is Cyn Balog’s post-apocalyptic fantasy-writing alter-ego. The first book in her series, DROWNED, will be releasing from Harlequin TEEN sometime in 2014, followed by a sequel, BURIED, in
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