Sunday, April 1, 2012

Author Interview with Aimee Carter, author of Goddess Test series + PRIZE PACK Giveaway (INTERNATIONAL)

 I'm super excited to be joined today by Aimee Carter, author of the gorgeous and fantastically imagined YA Fantasy Romance series, Goddess Test. The fabulous writer is here with us to talk about  the inspiration behind her novels, her passion for Greek mythology, and  her upcoming new series (how exciting is that?!). To celebrate the release of Goddess Interrupted (released on March 27th!), I will also be giving away a Goddess Test prize pack: The Goddess Test and Goddess Interrupted to one lucky winner (open World Wide).

About this author

Aimée Carter was born and raised in Michigan, where she currently resides. She started writing fan fiction at eleven, began her first original story four years later, and hasn’t stopped writing since. Her first novel for young adults, The Goddess Test, was published by Harlequin Teen in May 2011. The sequel, Goddess Interrupted, has hit the shelves just a few days ago!

Find her on Twitter at @aimee_carter.

E: Evie
AC: Aimee Carter
E: Welcome to Bookish, Aimee! Thanks so much for joining us today! I can only imagine how insanely busy you must be with the upcoming release of the second novel in your Goddess Test Series! Thanks so much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to visit Bookish! Please tell us a little bit about yourself.
AC: Thank you so much for having me! I'm Aimée, and I wrote The Goddess Test series. The second book, Goddess Interrupted, is released on March 27th in the US and Canada. I live in Michigan, write a lot, and love logic puzzles, reality TV, and my puppies.
E: Who or what inspired you to write “The Goddess Test”?
I write the books I want to read, and as a huge fan of mythology, I always wondered what drove Hades. He's very neutral character in actual Greek mythology (despite what pop culture depicts), with the exception of him kidnapping Persephone. So part of the story came from me wondering what made him do that in the first place.
E: Do you mind telling us how long did it take for you to write each novel in the series?
AC: I've been "researching" Greek mythology since I was a kid, reading and studying every text and source I could find. But when it came time to put pen to paper, so to say, I knew I wanted to twist the myths around, so that took additional research, including comparing the various versions of the myths to try to find which I wanted to work with. In the end, I did twist a few of the myths for various reasons, though it was all to serve the story. I have such a huge respect for Greek mythology, but the last thing I wanted to do was write a story that everyone felt they'd read before.
E: What was the most difficult part of the novel for you to write?
The rewriting. The first draft of TGT is nearly unrecognizable from what you see now on shelves, and combining all of the drafts, it was nearly a complete rewrite. There's really only one scene that remained the same (the Christmas scene).
E:   I would kill to see The Goddess Test adapted into a movie! If that was to happen and you could pick the cast yourself, who would you chose?
AC:  Me too! A lot about the story would have to be changed, simply because films and novels are such different mediums, and a lot of the conflict in TGT is quiet and internal rather than the explosions and bangs you see so often at the movies. But I would love to see it made someday. As for the cast, the only two I feel really strongly about are Ben Barnes for Henry and Elisabeth Harnois for Ava, though she might be a bit too old now. I think I'd prefer a newcomer for Kate, and I have yet to see an actor who looks exactly like I picture James. Darren Criss embodies his spirit though, despite not being physically similar.
E: Where is your favorite place for writing? Do you have any special writing rituals?
AC:  I can write anywhere as long as it's quiet. I prefer to write either at home or a bookstore, and the only ritual I have is to sit down and turn off the internet.
E:   Are you a plotter or a pantser?
AC:  I almost always outline ahead of time, if only to make sure I have a viable story that will fill three hundred pages with meaningful material. But I have dived into a story before with only an idea of where I want it to go, and the result of that experience is the best thing I've ever written (in my opinion). Unfortunately it will likely never see the light of day, but that's part of the business.
E:  What genres do you like to read in your free time?
I'll read anything as long as the plot appeals to me. YA, Adult, Middle Grade, anything. For me it isn't really the genre - it's the story.
E: Which of your favorite books would you recommend everybody to read?
AC:Harry Potter, of course. The Hunger Games. Ender's Game. Those are three I think can be universally enjoyed no matter what genres you're used to reading.
E:  What’s next in line for you? Are you working on a new book/series now? When can we expect to see the third book in The Goddess Test Series?
AC: The Goddess Inheritance, the third book in the Goddess Test series, will be released in late March 2013. Before that, The Goddess Legacy, a collection of five novellas told in the points of view of Calliope, Ava, Persephone, James, and Henry, will be released on July 31. 
After the Goddess series is completed, I have a dystopian series coming out in mid-2013. The first book is called Masked, and it's about a girl in a strict society who's forced to take the place of the Prime Minister's assassinated niece. I'm very, very excited for everyone to have the chance to read it.

E:   If The Goddess Test had a soundtrack to accompany it, what songs would be on it?
AC:  I think Someone Like You, by Adele, is the perfect song for Goddess Interrupted. If you've had the chance to read The Goddess Test, which songs do you think would make a good addition to the soundtrack?

Aimee, thank you so much for joining us today!  
I'm looking forward to reading The Goddess Test series!

I hope you guys enjoyed the interview, for more information about Aimee Carter and her books, please visit her website.


Since I LOVE Aimee Carter (she's such a fabulous, lovely person!) I decided to celebrate the release of Goddess Interrupted by giving away first two books in Goddess Test series!

Up for grabs are:

+ paperback of The Goddess Test
+paperback of Goddess Interrupted 

(if you already have The Goddess Test, I can pre-order the third book in the series for you, The Goddess Inheritance (as soon as it becomes available))


You do not have to be a follower of my blog to enter (although it would be nice^^)
Ends: April 30th

for extra entries answer Aimee's questions in the comment section:

If you've had the chance to read The Goddess Test, which songs do you think would make a good addition to the soundtrack?


a Rafflecopter giveaway

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About the Author
Evie is the Blogger behind Bookish. She enjoys reading many different genres, especially YA, Paranormal, Contemporary Fiction and Fantasy.
She loves talking to authors and is always happy to welcome them for interviews, and guest posts. She also likes spreading the love for awesome books and  chatting with fellow book-worms.
You can find Evie here: Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads | Shelfari | The Library Thing


Doodle said...

I haven't read it yet :(

Doodle said...

I love reading books based around mythology! Great interview Evie! I look forward to another dystopian series on the market in 2013!

Chrisbails said...

I have not read these books yet and would love to win and read. Great cover and love books on mythology, love greek gods & goddess. Great interview, also a huge Harry Potter fan. Love the movies, but love the books more.
Thanks for the chance to win.

Unknown said...

I've read TGT since I loved mythology as a child as well. I'm currently waiting to read TGI since I haven't had the chance to and yes, if I had to cast Henry as someone for a movie, I'd love to pick Ben Barnes too. Just look at that hair! :D

Anonymous said...

I'd already read TGT and I was hooked by the revelations that happened. Or the surprises that are made even if it is predictable are incredible.

Stephanie said...

I haven't read this trilogy yet but I really like greek mythology and have heard great things about it so I really want to!!

Laura said...

Great interview! And I'd really like to read the book!

Jaime Lester said...

I fell in love with The Goddess Test from page 1! I don't think I would have even thought of Adele being a great part of this soundtrack until I read it in Aimee's last question. Now, I can't stop thinking that it was perfect! Thanks so much for the giveaway!

Jaime Lynn- GFC

franchie15 said...

The story seems so great. I haven't read anything with mythology so this might be the first one! *fingers crossed* I'll get a copy of this. And oh, I'm excited about her upcoming novel which is dystopian!

franchie15 said...

I think A Thousand Years would be a good soundtrack. :)

Holly said...

I haven't read The Goddess Test yet, but I've really been wanting to! Thanks for the chance to win!

verox2009 said...

I haven't read Aimee's books. My friends say that TGT is a beautiful story and I should read it.
I really want to read these novels because I love mythology and I absolutely want to read books write in english :D
Thak you for this awesome giveaway!!


Gaby Pendragon said...

I have read about this books for a while now but haven't read them so far, and reading this interview and getting to know a little bit more about the author I can't let anymore time pass without reading them!

T said...

I love books based around mythology - and Greek is the favourite of the moment! I'm looking forward to reading The Goddess Test (which I literally got on my Kindle a couple of days ago) :)

Michelle Chew said...

Haven't got a chance to read it yet. Mythology in a story is always interesting! I wonder how the concept is being incorporated into the book. Looking forward to reading it! Thanks for having the giveaway.

Cathy De Los Santos said...

I just finished reading the Goddess Test and Goddess Hunt, and am now reading Goddess Interrupted. I am very much loving this series and I can't wait to read the rest of them and your new book series coming out next year. Really great interview it's alwasy fun learning more about authors you read. Thanks.

Evie said...

I don't know much about Mythology but these books seems really interesting! Love those covers!
And I'm just like her, I like to read any genre as long as the story is great and the characters appeal to me.
Thanks a lot for the giveaway!

Melanie S. said...

Oh my, I can't wait to get my hands on the series - I've heard fantastic things about it! Thanks for a great interview, I really enjoyed reading it and getting to know you better :)

I haven't read the series yet, therefor I can't recommend a song.

Greetings, Melanie

TayteH said...

Ooh, the dystopian series sounds AWESOME!! Forced to take the daughter's spot. intereseting... And I can't wait for all the novellas. :D Yay!

A song? Hmm.....Just A Kiss by Lady Antebellum. Why? Because Henry and Kate, in a way, are just starting out, and who wants to screw that up?

Thank you!

Oana H. said...

Awesome interview!Thank you,Evie!
I love mythology books and when i heard about The Goddess Test my first thought was that i really have to read it!

Julie S said...

I haven't read it but I've heard great things about this series. Thanks for the post and giveaway :) said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway. I really want to read this series.

giddusadik said...

Aimee is so nice! Thanks for the interview and the giveaway, Evie!
I haven't read TGT yet, though it's already sitting on my shelf and I should read it sometime soon. Thanks again!

floriv7 (at) gmail (dot) com

The Little Green Art Witch said...

Great interview! I haven't heard of Ender's Game, so I will have to check that out. Thanks so much for offering such a great giveaway!


Anubha said...

haven't read it yet...
nice interview... i really am waiting for the day when i'll be able to get this series... :)

PuttPutt1198Eve said...

Wow! Amy sure has an ambitious series of novellas/books coming out in the next year! Makes me tired just reading about them. I could never manage all that. Congratulations, Amy!

Madison Louise said...

Great giveaway! Thank you!


newshadeofgreen said...

What a fun interview! The Goddess Test has been on my TBR list for sooo long. I need to get with it and read it! I love hearing how authors approach their writing - outline, dive in head first, write the ending first, etc. Thanks to Aimee for sharing, and for the chance to win!

Lisa Richards/alterlisa said...

I loved the first book in the series and am so looking forward to this book. Also love the sound of her YA series coming out next year.

Lisa Richards/alterlisa said...

How about some hard hitting rock by ACDC!

Chrystal said...

Oh Wow! I loved The Goddess Test! :)

Soundtrack choices:
Realize by Colbie Caillat
All You Wanted by Michelle Branch

Thanks for the chance to win. :)

Stefany said...

I loved the first book and i hope very excited the sevond

Lexie said...

I love it! :D I'm still stunned that I haven't read these yet. I seriously adore Greek mythology, and the Persephone myth in particular has always fascinated me, so these are right up my alley. I've always liked Hades, because despite being God of the Underworld, he was, for the most part, more moral than the majority of other gods. I'm always interested in seeing different author's takes on him.

Lovely interview, and thank you so much for the giveaway. :D

Clarissa (Bookadicea) said...

I haven't read the series yet but I think I'm loving the story of The Goddess Test. I love Greek Mythology ever since and I love it even more when we studied it during Senior High School on our English Class with the Greek Myths.

Unknown said...

I haven't read The Goddess Test yet, but right now I'm liking the song On Your Side by A Rocket to the Moon and Endlessly by The Cab. I'd add those. :))

Miri said...

What a great interview! Aimee seems to be a really awesome person. Actually I haven't had the chance to buy and start reading this series yet, but I want to read it SO badly. I'm really interested in mythology in general. A few weeks ago, I finished the Arcadia series by Kai Meyer as it's already available in German language over here. It deals with a different mythology, but it's also very awesome and I highly recommend it. And can I just say, that I love Aimee for picturing Darren Criss as one of her character? As I haven't read the series yet I can't say if I agree, but I just really love Darren :D

Amazing interview, Evie! I really hope to read both books very soon. Have a wonderful week!

Lynn K. said...

Thanks for the interview. :)
I haven't got a chance to check this out but it's on my to-get list. I love books with Greek mythology!

The song I'm suggesting is Cut by Plumb. Now I haven't actually read the book so it might not fit well but that's the song that popped into my mind when I saw the cover and summary.

ARPM said...

I absolutely love anything with Greek Mythology! I just like reading how each person sees each deity. I know it may be completely different from how I see them but it keeps everything exciting.

I absolutely adored The Goddess Test and I can't wait to get my hands on the other books too! I think a great song for this may be "That's How Strong My Love Is" by Alicia Keys and "Enchanted" by Taylor Swift

Of course, thanks for the great interview and the giveaway! Now Keeping my eyes peeled for more great works! :)

P.S. I had Chris Pine as Henry in mind (the perfect kind-of-a-gentleman-but-can-tick-you-off-in-the-20th-century guy) anyways, I always did. ;) oh yes. Haha. And maybe Josh Hutcherson as James (since that I-can-be-playful-and-serious vibe just comes off so naturally)

Anonymous said...

awesome giveaway :X thanks for making it international :D

Natalie @ Book Lovers Life said...

Thanks so much for the chance. Great interview and Im excited to see the Dystopian book Aimee writes :)
I havent read it yet so cant include a song.

Emily Blake said...

I love mythology books so I'm really excited to read that series, and it's so cool she trying dystopian as well. Great interview Evie!! :)

aparajita said...

great giveaway and interview, love Goddess Test series and so excited for the final book and it so cool that she's trying dystopian can't wait to see how that comes out

Kristin A. said...

I loved The Goddess Test it was such a unique, fun read. I think Bring me to life by Evanescence (sp?) should be included on a soundtrack it fits really well I think.

Anonymous said...

Ohh, your dystopian series sounds right up my alley! Thanks for such a great interview!

evrythngzen said...

I haven't read this series yet. I want to but I haven't gotten to it yet. I have always loved mythology so I enjoy that aspect of the story. Thank you for a great review. It really helps me realize I need to hurry up and get to reading. LOL

Steph said...

I haven't read this series yet, but I have seen it all over and people are loving it. I can't wait to read them. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

Maidenveil said...

I would Die for you by Jan Arden. :)

SweetShenanigans said...

This book has been on the top of my "Want to Read" list since last summer! I'm excited they now have a second book too :)

CYP @ A Bookalicious Story said...

I haven't read this series yet, but I'd love to! I've heard so much about it on Goodreads and other bloggers' blogs. And, I have this personal obsession over Greek stuff, especially their myths. :P Great interview, and thanks for this awesome giveaway!

Yvonne @ The Shadow Realm said...

I haven't read this series yet but I do own The Goddess Test. I can't wait to read it. I love anything to do with greek mythology :)

Anonymous said...

Awesome interview! I love hearing about what soundtracks authors think fit with their books. :)

Megan said...

I haven't read this series yet, but I really want to because I'm a big fan of mythology.

I think editing and re-writing must be really hard for authors.

Birgit said...

Book 1 is on my TBR pile, but as I haven't read it yet I can't say which songs might be a good fit. However, Adele is a fantastic musician, so if one of her songs should belong on the soundtrack, then maybe Eddi Reader too?

Llehn said...

I haven't read it yet so I can't say which song.

Unknown said...

So glad I found your giveaway(9on Twitter) because I have been wanting to read The Goddess Test, forever! I am such a HUGE fan of Greek mythology and love this new trend of retellings in YA:) Thanks for the giveaway, I enjoyed the interview:)

The Howard Family said...

I have been wanting to read these books so bad, they look so good and I just haven't had a chance to read them since of course my library doesn't carry them so they are on my list to buy, but if I could win them instead that would be awesome!!!

Gigi said...

Hades and Persephone are my favorite mythology couple! Thank you so much for the chance to win this books!

@MelissaJoLynn_ said...

I've been dying to read this series. I love greek mythology and after reading Oppression by Jessica Therrien I can say that I like this genre. Great interview! I love reading about the writing processes for different authors. Thanks for the giveaway!

~The Book Pixie said...

I love making soundtrack suggestions for books but I haven't read the Goddess Test yet. *sad face* But thank you so much for the giveaway and great interview!


Lis said...

Sadly I haven't read the book 1. But when I do it, I'm sure I'll pick amazing songs, for my own list!

Lis said...

Sadly I haven't read the book 1. But when I do it, I'm sure I'll pick amazing songs, for my own list!

Kathy said...

Oooh, awesome giveaway! Thank you so much Evie!

Kathy said...

I totally meant to include that I think Ben Barnes is a perfect Henry! Also, Amy is the sweetest! Seriously. Great interview.

Debdatta Dasgupta said...

I haven't read the books but have been hearing only good things about it!! Wanna read it soon!

CrystalRosette said...

Great interview!
I've heard so many good things about the book! I'd love to read it!
Thanks for the opportunity to win this!

Zanib said...

Wow, nice interview. I can't wait to get my hands on these books!

Ruby97 said...

I think the song Safe and Sound by Taylor Swift would be good for the scene where Kates mother gives up her life for Kate, by exchanging places. I absolutely loved The Goddess Test, and i think your review/interview is really great. Thank you both.

Ruby97 said...

I think the song Safe and Sound by Taylor Swift would be good for the scene where Kates mother gives up her life for Kate, by exchanging places. I absolutely loved The Goddess Test, and i think your review/interview is really great. Thank you both.

Ruby97 said...

I also think I won't give up by Jason Mraz would be a great song to have on a sound track :)

Unknown said...

Haven't read the first book yet. Though, I heard a lot of good stuffs about this book. :D Great interview and thanks for the chance to win. :D This is awesome

Reading Away The Days said...

Thanks for the giveaway and awesome interview. I love how Aimee can write anywhere as long as its quiet. I can only read anywhere as long as its quiet!!

Tiffany Drew said...

I haven't read it yet, which is why I am pretty desperate to win this giveaway lol :) I have seen the series all over the place in the blogosphere and everyone has said how amazing it is.

roro said...

I haven't read it yet :( but i hope i do soon

Heather said...

I haven't read the books yet, but have heard good things and want to read them soon! Great interview and awesome give-a-way.

Sarah@Catching Books said...

I loved Goddess was a great read :D

Anonymous said...

I love that Aimee picked Ben Barnes as Henry...when I was reading TGT, he's exactly who I saw in my head!!

I think I'd put Coldplay's Princess of China on the soundtrack. It just seems to embody everything that TGT is about.

Jaime G. said...

Wow, what I great interview! I, similarly, haven't found any actor who appears how I pictured James.

Stefany said...

I think that Anithing for you by Evanescence is a good song for this history.

Nedraw said...

I haven't read the book yet.

Pam said...

It surprises me to hear how a book can change from the first draft to what ends up released. Honestly, I'd love to read both to see how the story has changed. It would be so interesting.

Great interview!


Szappanbubi said...

Well, from this interview and previously-read plots I suggest songs by the talented and strong-voiced Florence (Welch) + the Machine like no light, no light or shake it out :)
But I think absolutely just a female vocalist would be the prefect match for this series ^_*

Hannah said...

What a cool interview! I'm super excited to read The Goddess Test. I have a copy from the library I need to read. It's really cool to get to know Aimee. Love that interview. I love getting to know authors and some of their own quirks. It really give take into the books and how they are now.

Thanks for the fabulous giveaway! Bookish Rox!

Debdatta Dasgupta said...

Haven't had a chance to read the series yet even though its on my TBR list for like forever!! Hope to win here ;)

Sharmaine C said...

Oh gosh. I haven't read the series PLUS I only know a couple of english songs (yes, what the hell am I doing you ask? Well, I just prefer Japanese and Chinese songs. We all have our own preferences). So yeah, I don't really have any recommendations...

Sharmaine C said...

I forgot to give a comment about the interview! Well, it was a nice interview and I can't wait for Masked. It sounds promising!

Anna said...

I haven't had a chance to read it yet, but in the interview I really like the depth and catergories of your questions. They were good and worthwhile.

Anna said...

I haven't had a chance to read it yet, but in the interview I really like the depth and catergories of your questions. They were good and worthwhile.

Hannah said...

I really loved this review, it was very informative.

Unknown said...

Cool interview!
I haven't read it yet... but I really want to!! ><"

The More the Merrier said...

I haven't read The Goddess Test yet but I love mythology and am happy when books centered around Greek mythology are released.
I like how Aimee writes books she would like to read. Can't wait to get started with these books. Thanks for the giveaway!

Midnight Styles said...

I haven't yet had a chance to read the book so I cannot say what a good soundtrack for this book would be. Thanks for the giveaway!

Kimberly Lim said...

I'm so excited to read this book...
I have so much expectations of this book.... I really hope I could win

Thanks for the giveaway

LisaILJ said...

I haven't read these books yet, but I totally agree that Hades story is so interesting. I have really enjoyed other re-tellings of Hades and Persephone.

FireStarBooks said...

I haven't read the books but a thousand miles?

Anonymous said...

Sadly, I haven't read it yet :(

Great interview! Greek mythology really is intriguing(Along with Greece in general)! I didn't know that Aimeé is going to write a dystopian novel *Instantly goes to Goodreads to add to my "To Read" list*
Thanks for the giveaway :)

Veronica W. said...

I was not the biggest fan of "Ender's Game" when I read it. Maybe it was because it was to MG for me... Great interview!

Veronica W. said...

I think a Florence and the Machine song could work beautifully with this series!

Unknown said...

Someone like you by adele would be a great song for Goddess Interupted(:

Amy S. said...

How about the classic Everybody Hurts by REM for the soundtrack? I've always loved this song, and the main character was so heartbroken about her mother. Thanks for the chance to win these books!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely loved the Goddess Test (what can I say, I'm a huge fan of greek mythology) and would love to have a copy of it as well as find out what happens next. Thanks for the opportunity to win, I've heard great things about The Goddess Interrupted!

aurora M. said...

Love this kind of book so I would love to win this!

Gaby G said...

Thank you for the interview and giveaway! I've only read the first book, because I really like Greek Mythology and I was interested in this version of Hades. People always think Hades is the bad guy...when he's pretty neutral.

Marissa said...

Thanks for doing a giveaway. I have always loved Greek Mythology since I was little and used to watch the original "Clash of the Titans". My senior year of HS, I even choose Greek Mythology as the topic of my huge research paper. I've wanted to read this series for awhile now. What a great opportunity!

c.c said...

I havent read the book yet but I will say that I have read some really great reviews or it. Sorry I couldnt contribute to picking a soundtrack.

Midnight Styles said...

I have always been a big fan of mythology myself, so it's exciting to see a series twisted around it. Knowing that someone who has put so much research into it and its something you really love when you write it is amazing too!

Chrys said...

Beautiful interview
I love Ben Barnes ! **

Gale Nelson said...

Thanks for the great giveaway! I Haven't had a chance to read it yet.

NessaRose said...

Hey there.
I haven't managed to read the books yet - too much to do for university. But since Someone Like You currently is my favourite song, the books have moved to place one on my book wishlist. Great interview, great blog. The other books look promising (going to read about grave mercy afterwards ;-) )
Kind regards

Tiffany Holme said...

I love Mythology so much!! TGT was a great read and I can't wait to read the rest!! Thank you so much for this giveaway!

Anjelica said...

I haven't read the series yet, but I plan to do so, very soon! I think that it's great that you write the kinds of books that you would like to read because some authors just write what is popular, and when they do that it doesn't come out as great because they aren't writing what they love.

By the way, great interview! :)

Ellisa said...

So I haven't read the book yet, but reading the synopsis, I think instrumental songs would make a great soundtrack, such as Primavera by Ludovico Einaudi!

Lisa Mandina said...

I like that people are recommending Ender's Game. It was a good book that I read about 10 or more years ago, and it seems to be making a comeback.

Jaime Lester said...

I have read The Goddess Test but it has been a long time. I think though, from what I remember, it is a very modern mythology based book, so I think a pretty modern soundtrack would go with it. Lady Gaga, Adele, artists like that. I think that would fit the book well.

Acrilia said...

I loved The Goddess Test!
But I think choosing songs for the soundtrack is really hard...Something by Adele maybe? Or Secondhand Serenade.

Gabrielle said...

I haven't read The Goddess Test yet, but I really want to!

Unknown said...

i love books based on mythology. It would be a perfect birthday gift on my birthday

Andreea Pop said...

You made a really nice interview! And I'm very glad you're doing this giveaway! I haven't read these books, altough I have them on my MUST READ list, so maybe this is my shot! Anyway, for the soundtrack I would choose Lana Del Rey's Album Born To Die. It's genius. :)

Carti cu Colti said...

im still waiting to be published in my country...

Christine said...

I actually just finished with Goddess Test and am very anxious to read the second installment, especially after reading this great interview. I think Cosmic Love by Florence + the Machine would be a good song fit for this story.

Filia Oktarina said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Filia Oktarina said...

I haven't read this series, but from comment and review, this series sounds great. It make me want reading this series. For the song, i don't know any good. I think maybe a modern sondtrack will good. Thanks for the giveaway and awesome interview!!

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