Monday, January 1, 2018

In 2018 I Will . . .

2017 is officially over and done with. It was quite a year in many many ways, but I think the best way to sum it up is with a quote from A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Mass (thanks, Mor):

I don't go too crazy with resolutions because I think it's important to be your best self at all times of the year, but there's just something about the new years and the "fresh start" that I think really gets people motivated. I'm not going to lie, the tabula rasa philosophy does give me a warm and cozy feeling. Very blanket-just-from-the-dryer.

Reading/Blogging Goals

Read 30 books. I made a goal of 30 books for 2017 and blew it out of the water (58 books), but that was in part to audiobooks. I listened to a lot of audiobooks in 2017. Since I've gone through a lot of my "backlog" with audiobooks, I'm thinking 30 books is a realistic goal.

Finish series I've started or catch up to those still in progress. I hate having to run away from spoilers or falling so far behind that it feels like I'll never catch up. This resolution kind of goes hand-in-hand with my next goal.

Read the books I am excited about instead of putting them off (for some unknown reason). I've gotten books that I bought and borrowed from the library that I am so excited to read and then they sit on my shelf for a weeks before I finally pick them up. I have no idea why I do this, but it's got to stop.

Be a more efficient blogger. I got away from blogging regularly after Teacup Human was born - it's a lot of work keeping a human alive! I want to get back to writing more reviews, discussion posts, spotlights, and random thoughts.

Life Goals

Take pride in my appearance. We all have those days where we just don't care and how we look is how we look. Lately, I feel like I've had too many of those days. I always feel just a little bit better amount myself when I go that extra step. I don't feel the need to go all out every day, but taking a little more pride in how I look on the day to day basis will go a long way.

Savor the moments. With today's technology, I think it's easy to get lost on Facebook, Twitter, or whatnot when you should be more focused on spending time with the ones you love. It's crazy how quickly your kids grow up and I don't want to miss a single moment.

Complete (at least) one home project a month. We bought a new house in October and while it was 80% move-in read, I'm hoping I can make a dent in that 20% bit by bit so I'm not overwhelmed. Luckily nothing is huge, but it's those little changes that will make it feel homier.

Create my family yearbooks. I created a family yearbook through Shutterfly for 2016 and loved it! I used to print out my photos and add them to photo albums and it would take forever, especially when I wouldn't print out pictures for months, if not a year plus. I'm definitely going to create one for 2017, but I'd like to go back and create one for 2015 and earlier.

What are some are you 2018 goals?

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