Obvi.New Orleans
Hum, aside from Hogwarts? I'd love to go to New Orleans. I first fell in love with the city by reading Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark-Hunter series. The first few novels take place in this lovely city and it's kind of Sherrilyn's "home base" for the series. Her descriptions are amazing and every time another novel takes place in that city, it just deepens my desire to go.
I would so love to see these two cities. And lucky Allison from Just One Day got to enjoy them both - along with the company of Willem, but that's a different story.
A definite place you only want to visit in short bursts. Can't be forgetting, can I?
Can I take life in the west wing? It's totally cool. Elizabeth and I are BFFs and you'll never know I'm here.
Chatsworth House as Pemberley in the 2005 film |
Have you been to any of these places - the ones that are real, anyway? Where are some locations books have made you want to visit? Be sure to leave me a link to your list!

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