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Image Credit: http://copetoons.blogspot.ca |
To celebrate Canada Day I've asked some of my blogger/twitter friends to share with me their favourite Canadian authors! I got an overwhelming response and can't wait to share that all with you today, BUT first! Here's my ..
TOP 5 Things I love about Canada!
1. Nature. No other country out there (or at least not many of them) have such abundance of fauna and flora. Canada is the Nature Nation. Now, I am a person who enjoys nature A LOT. I love hiking, swimming, biking, snowshoeing, skiing... you name it! I loved living in BC, because there we got both the mounties and the ocean - how absolutely wonderful is that?!
Plus, I love the Canadian Rockies: Banff, Jasper, Yoho, Glacier Park... I don't think I can ever get enough of the breathtaking sceneries and absolutely exhilarating views.
Some picture highlights:
Suspended Bridge in Capilano
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Jasper National park |
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Driving from Jasper National Park to Vancouver |
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On the way to Lake Ohara, Rockies |
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Lake Ohara |
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Jasper |
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Emerald Lake |
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Glacier Park |
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Cypress, North Vancouver |
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And you can snowshoe and READ on top of a mountain, too! |
Skiing in Vancouver |
2. Friends. Friends are extremely important to me, and so I can't tell you how much it means to me to have so many of them here! Whether they were born here, or immigrated here just a few years ago - Canadians are always kind, warm, open-minded and welcoming.
I'm especially glad to have my friend, Ewelina - without her my life in Canada wouldn't be nearly as happy.
And of course, all my wonderful blogger friends - I love them all.
Picture highlights?
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with Ewelina |
3. Canadian authors.
And there are so many of them! And I love, love, LOVE them all!
Here's a list of my TOP 17, in no particular order:
1. Kenneth Oppel, author of This Dark Endeavor and Such Wicked Intent
2. MR Merrick, author of Exiled and Shift
3. Genevieve Graham, author of Under The Same Sky and Sound Of The Heart
4. Courtney Summers, author of This Is Not A Test
5. Lesley Livingston, author of Once Every Never (among many!)
6. Ada Adams, author of ReVamped
7. Lena Coakley, author of Witchlanders
8. Alice Kuipers, author of 40 Things I Need To Tell You
9. Hiromi Goto, author of Half-World
10. Elsie Chapman, author of Dualed.
11. Robert J. Sawyer, author WWW Trilogy
12. Maureen McGowan, author of Cinderella The Ninja Warrior
13. Joanne Levy, author of Small Medium At Large
14. Leah Bobet, author of Above
15. Megan Crewe, author of The Way We Fall
16. Denise Jaden, author of Never Enough
17. Kathleen Peacock, author of Hemlock
(I could seriously keep on going till I reach 50 or more!)
4. Author/Book events. I don't think I even need to explain this one, do I? Who doesn't love them?! And Canada, especially Toronto, has plenty!
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With Lena Coakley and Bonnie at the launch party for ABOVE |
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With Leah Bobet, author of Above |
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with Bloggettes and Lena Coakley |
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with Nikole from Scholastic Canada |
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With Megan Crewe, author of The Way We Fall |
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With Lesley Livingston |
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with John Boyne at The Random House YA Blogger Event |
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with Shane Peacock at the Random House YA Blogger Event |
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with Teresa Toten and Eric Walters at the Random House YA Blogger Event (BTW - The Taming ROCKS!) |
with Tahereh Mafi at the HCC Frenzy Event |
5. If not for Canada, I wouldn't be able to be with my husband. let's face it - he doesn't speak Polish, I don't speak Korean (well, we do swear in both languages, but that's not the ideal conversation-starter), and Canada took us in. Where else would we live together? Where else could I blog about books and enjoy my life so much? How about USA? - you might ask. Well, at the time when I met Jason, US wasn't taking Polish immigrants (I don't blame them, honestly, we never leave.. we're like.. clingy little things - you can't get rid of us!). If not for Canada, I wouldn't be where I am now, and I wouldn't be able to do, what I'm doing now, and, therefore, I wouldn't be writing this post right now.
You gotta appreciate that, right?
And now, Blogger/Reader picks!
I asked my blogger/twitter friends to talk about their favourite Canadian authors, here's what they said:
Emilie from Emilie's Book World said:
One of my my favourite authors, who also happens to be Canadian is Lesley Livingston. She writes incredible stories with characters that are just as incredible. What I especially like about them is that while the main girls have love interests throughout the story, they don't rely on those love interests to do what they need to do. If you've ever read anything by Lesley Livingston you'll also know that her stories ten dot be laced with humour that often has me laughing, if not laughing out loud. I've also been lucky enough to meet Lesley in person and she's just as fantastic as her books are.
Monica from Cover Analysis said:
I haven't read her debut novel, Give Up the Ghost, although I have heard that it is a remarkable debut. I have read her novel THE WAY WE FALL and I just completely fell in love with it. I don't know a lot of Canadian therefore I haven't read a lot of their work but Megan's writing style is ...incredible. You see THE WAY WE WALL from a girl's journal and when I read it. It didn't like a novel or fictional but I felt as if I was actually reading a JOURNAL and I think that takes extraordinary talent to make me, a reader, feel that way and other than that. Megan Crewe is sweet and nice and I hope to meet her one day!
Christina from Just A Girl Geek said:
Guy Gavriel Kay is my favourite Canadian author.
He's a master at high fantasy--a genre that's very close to my heart.
I remember the first time I read The Fionavar Tapestry. I was so impressed that I'd visited some of the locations written about in the books.
That just made it feel more real and special to me as a Canadian.
Sarah from Workaday Reads said:
My favourite Canadian author is Robert J Sawyer. He is one of the best known sci-fi authors, having written many books and won many awards. He's my favourite because his stories pull you and make you believe things are possible. Nothing is impossible in his mind, and that translates well to paper. His stories are exciting and full of adventure and characters you care about. For those reasons, he's my favourite Canadian author.
Siobhan from Conversations of a Reading Addict said:
The reason I chose Kelley Armstrong is because she has such range in her prose. She is able to clearly define her writing to the adult market with her Otherworld series, yet can switch to her YA genre just as swiftly. Both genres seem to have embraced her, and I have loved every single book!
Amanda from RippledStar said:
Alyxandra Harvey :)
Alyx has a special talent of drawing the reader in from the very first moment.
Her books have that "OH MY, DID THAT REALLY JUST HAPPEN?" factor that I adore so much.
In her Drake Chronicles series, she spoils us with point of views from almost every character.
I'm simply hooked and fascinated by her writing, her imagination, and her passion.

I love Kelley Armstrong's The Darkest Powers Trilogy. I have reread it many times. I guess the thing I love the best is everything magic in it, especially when we discover all about Chloe and everyone's powers (I don't want to say to much; I don't want to spoil the fun). I also loved how fast-pace Kelley Armtrong's novels are, and The Darkest Powers Trilogy is one of my favorite series. I definitely like the other series that is kind of related to it (Darkness Rising), but I like The Darkest Powers Trilogy way better. I am proud to be Canadian with awesome authors like Kelley Armstrong around! ;D
Izzy from Blissful Chaos said:
Izzy from Blissful Chaos said:
I picked Kelley Armstrong because 1. She's an amazing writer; she created the Otherworld with adults, and made a YA series in the same world without sounding as if she was repeating herself. I suppose that means, I quite respect her flexibility as an author. 2. She's Canadian, and an awesome author, and that's what this is all about, right? xD
And here's some Twitter buzz!
Question: Who and why is your favourite Canadian author?
Who is YOUR favourite Canadian author?
What are your favorite things about Canada??? :)
Share some Canada love in the comments!
Happy Canada Day, everyone!!!! <3
Evie - you win the internet today. Love this post SO much. Happy Canada Day!
I love your 5 reasons for loving Canada - the pictures were beautiful. My favourite nature ones were you feeding the bird out of your hand (!!) and reading on top of the mountain, haha :)
Thanks for including my tweets. WOW so much Kelley Armstrong love. I really need to get to reading one of her books!!
I love this Canada love! Your pics are awesome, I seriously need to go west. So many great Canadian authors and bloggers. Happy Canada Day, Evie!
Evie, what a great, heartwarming post! Thank you so much for the mention--I'm really blown away to be in such amazing company.
What a great post!!! I loved ALL of the pictures, especially the ones from places I've actually been. :)
There are so many things to love about this great country!
Happy Canada Day!
Evie, this is seriously the greatest Canada D'eh post I've ever read! :D Your photos are stunning and I love your author lists, there are a few that I will have to check out! ;) Have a fantastic long weekend, I'll be spending mine bulidng furnature, and hopefully reading a bit.
Wow Evie!! I want to visit Canada - your photos are gorgeous <3 and I loved your top 5.
A wonderful post! Happy Canada day xx
Wow, this is such a cool post! The love you feel for Canada is evident in this post. And Canada is awesome =D
Sana @ artsy musings of a bibliophile
WOW!! I love all the pictures!! You've been to see some of the most amazingly beautiful parts of Canada, for sure! :)
Happy Canada Day Evie! :D
This post is so amazing! =D
It would have been enough to share Canada's natural beauty as captured in the photographs . . . or to do a tribute to Canadian authors . . . but you went the extra mile, Evie, and your love for your adopted country is fairly palpable to me--and doubled in intensity, squared as it is with the beautiful love story of your marriage.
Although I've never been there (and have--to my shame right now--read hardly any Canadian authors), I am now convinced that it is one of the most beautiful places in the world, filled with some of the kindest, warmest, most open-minded and most welcoming people (to quote you!) who were ever born. What a glorious tribute! You should get an award from the government or something!
I'm a fellow Canadian and love Canada as well :P Happy Canada Day !!
Amazing pictures! You look great and so happy! What a fun time you had to have. Wonderful post! *thumbs up*
DeAnna Schultz
Glad I retweeted this last night - this is an absolutely fantastic post. The photos are gorgeous and I am making it my mission to make it west as soon as possible. Wonderful post, and happy belated Canada Day :)
Awesome post for Canada Day, Evie! :D I didn't know you were Polish!!! I'm working in a German specialty food store in Edmonton and two of the women who work there are Polish too. :D Were you cheering Poland on for the UEFA cup??? :)
I agree, Canada is gorgeous, and for all of the reasons you mentioned (minus having a husband since I totally don't :P), I love Canada too. :)
Thanks for sharing! Happy belated Canada Day! :D
Evie -- this is SUCH an amazing post, from the pictures, to the words, to the bookish-ness ... it's just full of you and therefore PERFECT!
Happy Canada Day to you too! I'm extra glad that you chose to make Canada your home =) xoxo
I love all the parks and seeing the mountains!!
What a fabulous post! I love all the pictures (finally get to see what you husband looks like /grins). It was also nice to see so much love for Kelley Armstrong.
WOW! How the heck did I miss this post?! I LOVE it!! You are your hubby are super cute :) The picture of Jasper were amazing and I love the one of you with the mountains behind you. This entire post was just mind blowing <3
I love your list, especially number 5 is so romantic!
even though it's not true, that it's always easier in Canada. I live with a Canadian and I'm European myself. If we get married he will automatically get the passport and citizenship. But I'm not entitled to Canadian citizenship just because of a marriage with a Canadian citizen. I would have to live and work there permanently over a certain period of time, pay a lot of fees and then be approved.
Thanks for the list of Canadian authors, as I love reading I'll check them out!
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