Genre: Fantasy, MythsPublication.Date May 31, 2011 Pages: 496 Published By: HarperTeen Author Josephine Angelini Starcrossed Goodreads My review copy: I bought in order to do this review.
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How do you defy destiny?
Helen Hamilton has spent her entire sixteen years trying to hide how different she is—no easy task on an island as small and sheltered as Nantucket. And it's getting harder. Nightmares of a desperate desert journey have Helen waking parched, only to find her sheets damaged by dirt and dust. At school she's haunted by hallucinations of three women weeping tears of blood . . . and when Helen first crosses paths with Lucas Delos, she has no way of knowing they're destined to play the leading roles in a tragedy the Fates insist on repeating throughout history.
As Helen unlocks the secrets of her ancestry, she realizes that some myths are more than just legend. But even demigod powers might not be enough to defy the forces that are both drawing her and Lucas together—and trying to tear them apart.
So, what can't you take? Decide which of the two options is harder, and do the other. That way, no matter how hard your choice turns out to be, at least you can find comfort in knowing you're avoiding something even worse.”
“I don’t know why you’re fighting it, Len. One, he’s frigging gorgeous. Two, he’s so frigging gorgeous you need to count it twice. Three, he saw you fall down and left practice to see if you were okay. That’s, like, devotion.”
This was a much different read for me. I hardly ever pick up fantasy or myth books, but this particular one sparked my interest so I decided to review it for Mermaids and Myths month, here on Bookish Lifestyle.
And, then we meet Lucas, the man candy.
Helen goes from sweet, to a raving lunatic. She attacks the most gorgeous boy she’s ever seen right in the middle of her high school hallway. People stopped and stared. Helen could not seem to gain control of herself and ended up having to be physically removed from Lucas. The reader, at this point is really confused but must read on to figure out why Helen lost her temper. This is how the author hooks the reader into the story so that the reader can't possibly go anywhere or risk missing something.
Lucas is one of the most worthy, loyal, and honorable boys that Helen could ever meet. He is perfect for Helen, except this one minor detail of them obsessively wanting to kill one another. The story shifts and maintains a steady To me giving away any of the story would ruin it for you, so this review will be a bit vague as I feel this book is one you must go into almost blind in order to appreciate the many twists and turns, the author takes in the story. Let me know if you've read this book, as I know it is an old one. I'd love to hear what you thought of it in the comments below.
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