Top Ten Goals/Resolutions for 2015
Not fall behind in series. Luckily, this should be a little easier since my goal for this year was to catch up on the series that I had already started. Since that is damn near accomplished, I can now make the effort to not fall behind again. Also, now I can binge on all those series I've been meaning to start!
Read more off my TBR books. I have a lot of books that I really want to read that have been hanging on my TBR list for a while. I would love to read more of those and not get so distracted my new pretties. I did really well on keeping up with review books, which I loved most of, but older books kept getting pushed back. I'd like to read more of those older books.
Read more books I already own. This kind of goes along with reading more off my TBR list. I, like most readers, have a habit of buying new books instead of reading those I already own. Currently I have 66 books that I own and haven't read yet. That hurts my heart. That hurts my bank account, but whatever - some of them were gifts. Beside the point! These 66 books need get read and they need to get read stat.
Keep up with scheduling posts ahead of time. I'm nuts when it comes to this. I've have posts scheduled so far ahead it's almost sickening - reviews, TTTs, discussions, etc. I want to keep this up for next year. It's just kind of freeing to have them scheduled and know if things come up it's not big deal because I'm covered.
More discussions. Already I've gotten a little bit better at posting more discussions - either when they come to more or when there's a lull in my posts I'll type up a new Socratic Seminar. I'm hoping in 2015 it'll become a more regular feature and just not something to fill empty blog space.
Re-read more books. I've been wanting to re-read Pride and Prejudice for I don't know how long. And yet, I don't. There was a time (pre-blogging) that I re-read Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark-Hunter series, although at the time much shorter than its current 41 books, and I loved revisiting the characters and stories. I would like to do this with some other books as well. Once a month I'd likee to pull out an old favorite and experience it all over again (thanks to Jamie at The Perpetual Page-Turner for that goal within a goal).
Not let the 2015 TBR Pile Reading Challenge Fall to the wayside. We have a definite plan for our 2015 TBR Pile Reading Challenge and it's awesome. If you haven't signed up yet, there's still time! After you've read up on the challenge and sign up. Once you're signed up, don't forget to vote for our January Read-A-Long.
2014 Reading Challenges
Series Catch Up
If you follow my Top Ten Tuesday posts, you know that I had set myself a goal to catch up on all series I was in the middle of before beginning new series. The second half of this goal didn't stick to well with I had planned, but of those new series I did start I did not fall behind so I gave myself a pass. I kept track of this goal by using the Spring TBR, Summer TBR, Fall TBR, and Winter TBR topics. Over all, the books total up to be 29 books. It sounds simple, but we're talking about reading these in addition to review books, new pretties, stand alone novels, etc. I also had to contend with release dates as some of the books weren't released when I did certain lists. And I don't know about you guys, but I'm pretty impressed with what I did :)

What are your reading/blogging goals for 2015? Do we have any that are similar? How did you do on your 2014 reading challenges? Be sure to leave me a link to your list!

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