Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Fall Reads

Top 10 Tuesdays is a weekly meme hosted over at The Broke and The Bookish

Back in March I made my Spring 2014 TBR list. Then again in June I had my Summer 2014 TBR list. Between these three lists I have read 20/23 books. That's a 87%! That's pretty impressive!

Note: I'm not counting Just One Year or Just One Night because I cannot read that until I get my paperback of Just One Year (release date 9/30) - I read/own Just One Day in paperback, and I have to follow suit for the sequel because I'm a nut job. I am also not counting The Zombie Queen and The Retribution of Mara Dyer because unless you get an ARC, it's tricky to read a not yet published book.

I still have this delusion of finishing and/or catching up on series I've already started before starting new ones. It seems a bit sad that this has been my goal since March, but I'm getting there. It's a slow process, especially when I get such awesome review books in the mail. Oh shiny new pretties!

These are the books that I've read since my posting in June, plus a bonus ARC I wasn't expecting:
Here are the 6 books that I WILL (all caps = bound and determined) have read by December 21:

Books That Will Catch Me Up

What are some books on your Fall 2014 TBR list? Do you have a goal like me or is your list a bit more random?  Be sure to leave me a link to your list!
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