Happy World Animal Day everyone! According to the website, World Animal Day "was started in 1931 at a convention of ecologists in Florence as a way of highlighting the plight of endangered species." The date of October 4 was chosen as it is the Feast Day of Saint Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals.
Over the years, "World Animal Day has become a day for remembering and paying tribute to all animals and the people who love and respect them." We here at Bookish love animals. They're just so stinking cute and cuddly and today we're going to show off our fur babies.
Over the years, "World Animal Day has become a day for remembering and paying tribute to all animals and the people who love and respect them." We here at Bookish love animals. They're just so stinking cute and cuddly and today we're going to show off our fur babies.
Andrea - Bentley Rolf & Zooey
Yes, my dog has a middle name. Since he's a German Shepherd, and half German (his sire/biological dad, Wilke Vom Overledingerland, has papers in German), I wanted to give him a German middle name. So I give the middle name him of Rolf after Rolf Gruber from The Sound of Music - the stage version where Rolf let's the von Trapp family go, not the movie version where he blows the whistle (literally) on them.
This is him on our bed - where's he not allowed to be, shh! I was making it one morning and he just jumped right up! He looked so cute and comfy that I took his picture and just let him hang out there while I got ready for work. I'm not the strictest of mommies when it comes to him staying off the furniture. Don't tell, Joe!

This is my kitty, Zooey. I bought her back in 2006, but sadly she doesn't live with me as Joe is allergic. Boys just ruin everything, don't they? Luckily though, my mom was willing to let Zooey live with her so I still get to see her from time to time. Though I'm sure she's still a bit annoyed with me.
Evie - Winston
Wilson has been with us for almost 3 years now. At some point we randomly decided we wanted a dog. We talked about it before many times, but only hypothetically, and then one day, we just got in the car and drove out to Attica, NY to a get a dog from a local Sheltie breeder. Yeah, just like that.

We never looked back. We named him on the drive back. Just decided: hey, he looks like a Wilson! And he's just such a sweet, well-behaved, considerate creature. He lets me dress him up, he poses for pictures with books, he plays frisbee like a pro and, most importantly, he is so great with Tori. Everyone loves him. Well, maybe except our UPS delivery guy, he is seriously scared of dogs!

Do you have pets? What kind and what are their names? If you don't have pets, do you want any? What is your dream pet?

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