Tuesday, December 4, 2012

2013 Releases International Giveaway (3 Winners!)

2013 is looking awesome book-wise! There are so many exciting new titles! I decided to host a giveaway to give you guys a chance to win one of them :) 3 lucky winners will get one book from the list below! Good luck!


Open: World Wide
Ends: January 15th

3 winners will win one book from the list!

a Rafflecopter giveaway



1 – 200 of 250   Newer›   Newest»
Chrystal said...

I would totally love The Beautiful and the Cursed or The Goddess Inheritance!

Thanks for the amazing giveaway! :)

Martina said...

2013 is awesome indeed!!!
I want to choose Things I Can't Forget or Just One Day. They have been in my wishlist since I first found out about them.
Btw, you always host awesome giveaways. Thanks so much. Hope I can win one of them. hehe..

Michelle @ In Libris Veritas said...

I would love to have Scarlet or Dark Triumph, I'm dying to read both of those.
Thanks for the chance!

Goldilox said...

Okay, I would have to choose between Devil and the Deep Blue Sea, Invisibility, and The Beautiful and the Cursed! Great giveaway! :)

Anonymous said...

I'd choose Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea. The cover is gorgeous, and it sounds so eerie!

Danielle V. said...

Ah, what a beautiful bunch of covers! A very hard choice... I think I'd choose The Beautiful and the Cursed, though! :)


Unknown said...

Possibly Prophecy because I had my eye on it :) or the beautiful and the cursed. Too many great books, thanks for the giveaway

Unknown said...

I am stuck between Dare you to & Unravel me. I loved Pushing the Limits and I can't wait to read the next one. And I LOVED, Loved Shatter Me and I can't wait to see what happens next in the series.

juliababyjen said...

I would probably pick Emblaze, because I love that series!

paulasauruss said...

I'd choose Paper Valentine.

Thanks for the amazing giveaway. (:

Jessica L. Tate said...

Premeditated! As soon as I saw that one, I wanted to get my hands on it. :) Thanks for the giveaway!

paulasauruss said...

Ah, and why. I like Brenna Yovanoff narrative and and I'm interested in this book for a long time.

Amber said...

I would pick mila 2.0~~~ I've read soo many rave reviews about it!

KMichelleC87 said...

the beautiful and the cursed


Ashley @ Book Labyrinth said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway! It's a super tough call because those titles are awesome -- SO MANY that I'm looking forward to and hope to preorder if I get some Christmas money. I'll go with 'Just One Day' because I read the ARC and I really loved it! I'll need a copy to re-read before the sequel, which I am already eagerly anticipating.

Barbara E. said...

It's hard to choose, but I'd probably go with The Ward because I've heard quite a bit about it and it sounds like a fantastic story.

Angie said...

STAR CURSED because I fell head over heels for the first book!

Lexie said...

I would love to have Unravel Me. :) Or Paper Valentine, Prophecy. Oh boy, there're lots of books! :) Thank you for the giveaway.

Christine said...

Ooh very tough choice...I'd have to go with either The Beautiful and the Cursed, Afterparty (if the eventual description matches the gorgeous cover!), or Invisibility, because they all have really caught my eye. But honestly, every single one looks amazing!! :D

Unknown said...

I would definitely pick The Archived because the synopsis sounds SO intriguing!

lydia said...

oh man.. all the books looked interesting! i would like to win any of the books. haha.

Freya Oliver said...

It's really hard to choose. I think I'll go with The Ward. I don't know what it's about but I hope it's good because I love the cover.
Thanks for the giveaway.

T said...

Either The Goddess Inheritance or Shades of Earth I think, because I've been waiting on both of them! Thanks for the giveaway!

Bewitched reader said...

WoW this is a hard choice. I would love to have Poison because this story sounds really good! And I also would love to have Star Cursed because I read the first book and loved it! and cannot wait to read this second book.

Domika said...

Thanks for amazing giveaway :)
I think I'd choose Unravel me or The Beautiful and the Cursed :))

Horváth Évi said...

I want 'The Ward'. That cover is absolutely amazing! :D

Lucka said...

I choose Unravel me, because a I absolutly love this serie.

Aleksandra said...

No idea, great books to choose from, maybe The Archived by Victoria Schwab. Why? Because I loved The Near Witch & its prequel The Ash-Born Boy - her writing style is lovely & The Archived sounds so awesome!

Thanks for the giveaway!

mon said...

Thanks for the giveaway. I would love to choose Invisibility :)

Unknown said...

They're all so awesome! I think I'd go with Scarlet, though!

Samantha Stewart said...

Amazing giveaway!
I'd definitely choose Dualed or Unremembered. They're both books that I'm so excited for next year!

Å olanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Darkness Fades (Darkness Falls Series, Book 3)by Jessica Sorensen.

Kelly said...

I would pick Dare You to. I loved the first book and her style of writing.

Jessica Etches said...

I would choose Poison. I've been very excited about that book. I cannot wait to read it. It sounds absolutely fantastic!

Unknown said...

There are SO many great looking books coming in 2013! I think I'd pick Mila 2.0...but it's hard to say, I'd have a VERY hard time narrowing it down!

Jessy said...

I would pick Dark Triumph because I absolutely loved Grave Mercy.

Julie S said...

I'm not caught up on some of those that are part of a series. I think I'd pick The Archived cause the author is cool and I follow her blog.

Jennifer said...

I have no idea what i'd choose. There are many books on that list that i'd love to read. Some of them are: Scarlet, The Program and Dualed. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

cydonian pyramid. i couldn't quit looking at the cover as i was checking out or trying to check out the others. thanks for the awesome giveaway and happy holidays to you and yours.

Unknown said...

Oh man that's a tough choice but i'd have to go with Unravel Me.

Nedraw said...

I would probably choose Dualed.I am a big fan of Dystopian novels. Thanks for a great giveaway!

Steph said...

Rise because I adored Rift so much!

Elizabeth T. said...

I'd like to read Things I Can't Forget.

SweetMarie83 said...

Wow, so many amazing books coming out next year! There are so many that are near/on the top of my wish list, but I think I'd choose The Archived because I've been waiting for Victoria to put out something new ever since I finished The Near Witch almost a year ago! Thanks for the great giveaway, Evie!

erin said...

Thanks for the fabulous giveaway! Oh man... there are so many good new releases it boggles the mind... begging off having to choose just yet :)

Molli @ Once Upon a Prologue said...

Such AMAZING choices! I would probably choose Dark Triumph, since I loved Grave Mercy so!

Thanks, Evie!!

Sana said...

This is a tough choice! I'd pick Unremembered, Dare You To, Dualed or Afterparty.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Sana @ artsy musings of a bibliophile

Laira Jamille said...

Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi because I love the book Shatter Me, such a cliffhanger but I think its worth waiting :) Thank you for this giveaway.

Daisy said...

I'm thinking Dark Triumph or The Program as I've pre-ordered most of the others already, they're pretty much ALL on my wishlist!
Thanks for the giveaway :)

Erinberry said...

I would pick Scarlet because I absolutely loved Cinder. Thanks for the giveaway!

Erin K.

Sallie Mazzur said...

I'd probably choose Unravel Me by Taherah Mafi... I'm really looking forward to seeing what happens next in the series!

Thanks for doing this giveaway! :)

Lost For Words said...

Things I cant forget :), because i have some baggage from the past and i am curious what the books refers to.

Isa said...

I'd choose Scarlet, I'm really excited about the new characters and what happens to Cinder. Thank you for the giveaway. :)

Vicky @ A Backpack Full of Adventures said...

Thanks Evie! :) I think I'd pick Just One Day - it sounds really good!

Stephanie said...

Scarlet, because I really liked Cinder!

Jasprit said...

Oh I would love to win a copy of Just One Day by Gayle Forman, I adored If I Stay and Where She Went and have a good feeling I would love this too! Thanks so much for the brilliant giveaway! :)

Lexi Edwards said...

Dare You To because I loved Pushing the Limits!!!

Luu said...

I would pick Mila 2.0, just because it sounds amazing :)

Munnaza said...

Thanks so much for this giveaway! I'd choose Scarlet or Unravel Me if I won because those are two sequels I'm anticipating greatly and I'm dying to know what happens next.

laceyblossom said...

I'd choose Dare You To because I absolutely loved Pushing the Limits!
Lacey T

Vi Win Win said...

Def Scarlet bc I loved Cinder & can't wait to read this one!

Confessions of a Vi3tBabe
Deity Island

Monica Postma said...

I would totally love to have, in order of how much I want it:
Shades of Earth
Unravel Me
The Goddess Inheritance
or Unremembered

Steph said...

There are so many great titles coming out in 2013!! Some of the ones I'm dying to get are:

Paper Valentine
The Beautiful and the Cursed
Ashes on the Waves
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

Such a hard choice! But I would probably go for Invisibility! I'm really looking forward to reading that one! Thanks for the amazing giveaway :)

Lege Artis said...

So many books, so little time....

Anonymous said...

Probably Date to you because I loved the first book

Texas Book Lover said...

I would pick Dare You To because I loved Pushing the Limits and the cover is amazing!

Unknown said...

I'd probably pick Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi, because I loved Shatter Me!
Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I'd pick The Madman's Daughter because I love both retellings and H.G. Wells. :)

book queen said...

I`d choose either Dare You To (because I loved, loved the first one!!!) or Things I Can`t Forget (I really enjoyed the first to books, so I hope this one would be good too :) )
Thanks for this amazing giveaway!

Leannessf said...

So many books - maybe The Ward or Dualed or Dark Triumph!


A.J. said...

Dark Triumph because I loved Grave Mercy!

Doodle said...

I would choose Dare You To because I loved Pushing the Limits.
Thanks Evie! You're a sweetheart!!
xx Em

Anonymous said...

I would probably choose Dark Triumph, because I adored Grave Mercy and am DYING for the sequel. It's one that will have a happy dance when it comes in the mail!

Gi-Gi said...

I would pick Unravel Me because I really loved Shatter Me and want to see how this book will be. And a plus plus is that I'm like so in love with the cover :D

Thanks for the giveaway!

Liss Martz said...

Dark Triumph, I really want to read it ASAP!!

Sierra Abrams said...

The Madman's Daughter - because OMG it sounds amazing as anything, and because who doesn't want that gorgeous cover on her shelf?!


Rima said...

I'd pick Unravel Me, as I absolutely loved Shatter Me!

_Sandra_ said...

How to choose just one book.. They all sound amazing and most of them are definitely on my TBR list. Probably, I would choose Unravel Me because I loved, loved. loved Shatter Me. :) However, Dualed and Mila 2.0 sound very intriguing.
Thanks for a giveaway!

Mary Preston said...

I think I would choose THE MADMAN'S DAUGHTER. It looks amazing.

Rachel V said...

I think I would choose The Ward but The Archived is real close.

Anonymous said...

I'd probably pick Unravel Me! :)
Thanks for the giveaway!

aliaa said...

Scarlet! I absolutely LOVED Cinder, and can't wait to read Scarlet!

aliaa said...
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aliaa said...
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aliaa said...
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SacredmOOn said...

Oh dear, there's so many amazing titles listed! How the heck to pick just one? I guess, I'd pick Scarlet because I have a paperback of Cinder sitting on my bookshelf right now awaiting to be read. I'm hoping to get to it soon. Thank you for the chance to win!
DeAnna Schultz

Unknown said...

Geez, there are so many great books.
I'm torn between The Goddess Inheritance (because I love that series so much. Henry rocks), Unravel Me (because I love that series so much) and Rise (because I've read Nightshade and I really liked it. I have all the other books in the series, I just haven't read them yet).

Unknown said...

Thanks for the giveaway! This is awesome! I want ARCHIVED as my trophy for this giveaway!

Unknown said...

I would either pick Unremembered, Premeditated, The Program or Dare to You. I'm a big fan of Jessica Brody and Suzanne Young.

Michelle said...

WOW AMAZING GIVEAWAY!!! I love your blog and this is the first time I've been here, but I'm glad I found it!

There are so many good choices like Unremembered and If You Find Me... but I'd have to pick Dare You To bc I am DYING to read that book :)

Michelle @ Pink Polka Dot Book Blog

Nada Más Que Amor said...
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Nada Más Que Amor said...

I think I would go for Things I Can't Forget or Afterparty. Because I just love the covers! It looks cute and it's more of my genre! ^^,

Awesome Giveaway! Thanks so much for it!

Ashfa said...

Shades of Earth!! The cover is beautiful and the story is like- WOW!

Markéta said...

Thank you for the giveaway, I´d choose Unravel Me, I really liked Shatter Me.

FreakChiq said...

I'd choose the new Gayle Forman book. I loved If I Stay and Where She Went and I'm sure Just One Day will be a similar unforgettable read.

Thanks for the chance!

Madalina said...

I would love to read The Ward and The Program. I'm in love with their synopsis and the covers are amazing.
Thanks for the giveaway and for making it international :).
Happy Holidays!

Margianna said...

I would love to read Scarlet I really liked Cinder so it's an easy choice! :D

-Mystery Rose said...

I would pick RISE because I looove Andrea Cremer!

Tiffany Drew said...

Probably Afterparty because I'm in love with the cover!

Bookish in a Box said...

I would pick Scarlet because I love, love LOVED Cinder and can't wait to see what happens next!

Anonymous said...

I would choose Things I Can't Forget. I have read the other books in the series and I loved them! Miranda Kenneally is a great author!

cyn209 said...

my selection is Paper Valentine, as the cover appeals to me!!
thank you for the giveaway!!!

Clarissa (Bookadicea) said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I would love to win either Afterparty or Unravel Me. :)

-Riz Bulatao

Filia Oktarina said...

I would pick either Emblaze or Between The Devil or The Deep Blue Sea, 'caue i like cover and the title make me intrigue :)

Haraiah said...

I'd pick Unremembered. It sounds absolutely awesome. Thanks for the giveaway! :)

Bea Tejano said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway!:) Probably Just One Day or Things I Can't Forget:)

nurmawati djuhawan said...

i'd like to choose DARE YOU TOO because i like katy's book...
thx u so much...

Evie said...

Shades Of Earth. I loved Across the Universe and now I need to read the last two books in the series.
Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

The Program. is it Dystopian? well, if it is, I kind of want to read it then. or maybe, Unravel Me. :))

Rebecca Hipworth said...

I'd pick Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea because it sounds amazing!

Thank you. :)

Nazish Reads said...

There are so many that I want, but the one that I want the most is Scarley by Marissa Meyer.

Thanks so much for the giveaway.

-Nazish @ Nazish Reads

Unknown said...

definitely Unravel Me! Shatter Me is one of my favorite books, and I've been waiting for the sequel for so long :)

A said...

Waaaaaaaah. Lots of my faves. Either Unremembered, Star Cursed, Just One Day, Dark Triumph, Shadowlands! Good choices! :D

Lynn K. said...

Can I pick them all? :D
Just about all these books are on my tbr so it's REALLY had to choose. I'd pick only if I'm lucky enough to win. :p

Dark_Calling said...

I would pick Unravel Me because I really enjoyed Shatter Me. :)

Thanks for the giveaway

Angel Cullen said...

I'm torn between Unravel Me & Dare you to ... because I Love both series!
Thanks for the giveaway ...

Ellena said...

I'd probably choose The Archived beacause I read your review and I'm looking forward to read this amazing book!
Thank you for the giveaway!

BJ Kenney said...

I'd pick The Ward because I have heard great things about it!

Heather said...

They all look so good that it would be really hard to choose. But I'd go with Shades of Earth.

Maidenveil said...

It's hard to choose just one! >.< But I'll go with Shades of Earth because I love BEth.:)

Unknown said...

Oh, you got me so confuse! Afterparty, things I can't forget or the originals. :)
Thank you so much for the giveaway!

Taylor Weeks said...

So hard to choose! But I'd have to pick star cursed for sure! :)

WinterFaerie said...

OMG! I can only choose one! AH! I'd probably pick Dare You To..Even though I want a bunch more on the list!

A'lina said...

Dualed is a top pick for me! I can't wait to read this book! I like action in my books and this one sounds awesome! Thanks for the chance!

Diana said...

To me, it would be Star Cursed, I've got my eyes on this book ever since I came across it on goodreads.. I'm really really excited to read it and I've got my fingers crossed! :)

Thank you!

Richa said...

Gahhh so hard! I want so many of these! I would probably pick either Shades of Earth or Rise, because I really loved the previous books in the series.

Manuela said...

I want so many of these !
But I think I would choose Unravel Me because I want this book so bad ! :)

Christina W said...

Rise by Andrea Cremer because I loved nightshade so this ought to be good too :)

SarahO said...

I would choose either Things I Can't Forget or Just One Day because I want a good contemp :)

Unknown said...

I`d probably choose The Archived since I`m looking forward to read it, cannot wait for it to be released! :)

Genevieve Graham said...

Madman's Daughter looks cool ...

Patty Nightdream said...

super giveaway

Diana_Dimovska said...

Great choices! I would probably choose Paper Valentine. :)

Anonymous said...

17 & Gone! Or Paper Valentine or Ink.
I really only have an answer for the first, so. Because it's Nova!!

Yuska said...

I'd like to win "Paper Valentine". The cover said it all.

Unknown said...

Paper Valentine.

Erin W. said...

It would be between Mila 2.0 and The Program. Just the covers and the storyline themselves says it all. They look and sound like epic reads!

Thanks for the giveaway! :)

Bijoutheque said...

I would pick "In The After", it sounds very interesting and the cover got my attention!

Unknown said...

I will pick Unravel Me, because I just received my copy of Shatter Me and it was really awesome. :)

Jessica @ The Psychotic Nerd said...

1st choice: Scarlet
2nd choice: Shades of Earth
3rd choice: Unravel Me


Thanks for the giveaway! XD

Jana said...

I'd pick RUSH or THE BEAUTIFUL AND THE CURSED since both summaries look really intriguing and I love the covers :D

Sally@Always Lost in Stories said...

Wow- thankyou so much for this amazing giveaway. I want most of these!
But I think I would choose Unravel Me, because I loved Shatter Me, and cannot wait to get hold of the sequel.

Unknown said...

There are so many books to choose from but I think I'd pick either Dare You To, Scarlet, Dark Triumph (loved the first books), or Poison (sound really good). Not sure if it's a good thing that there are so many good books coming out, I need to finish my TBR challenge...

Anjana said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

I'd definitely pick Just One Day by Gayle Foreman because I loved her If I stay novels!

The Cover Contessa said...

Unravel Me for sure!

Unknown said...

I would love to read The Goddess Inheritance because I love this series written by Aimee Carter, I like greek mythology and I also have written a novel about the myth of Hades and Persephone

Franci said...

There are fantastic books... but I would to read Unravel me, The Madman's Daughter, Paper Valentine, Between the Devil and the Deep Blue SEa... Thanks for this opportunity:)

roro said...

would to read Unravel me or betweeb de devil and the deep blue sea

tnx 4 the giveway

Rebecca said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway I would choose The Dead and Buried because Kim Harrington is one of my favourite authors.

Jaime Lester said...

I have no flippin idea. None whatsoever. I can answer why though. Because I want so many of them. Thanks for the amazing giveaway!

Emily said...

I would choose The Originals or Paper Valentine.
Thanks for the giveaway :)

Erin said...

Invisibility... 2 amazing authors in 1!

Giselle @ Book Nerd Canada said...

I'd probably pick Shades of Earth by Beth Revis, and Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi! Ahh so many amazing books being released next year!

Book Wookie said...

I'd go for The Ward. I love that cover!

teepee said...

Scarlet because I loved Cinder :)) or Paper Valentine because it sounds interesting and the cover is beautiful :))

Unknown said...

I think I'd go with Premeditated, the originals and the Unremembered. The titles alone sound A-freaking-mazing, and those covers... just WOW. Very intense. :)

Anonymous said...

I would choose invisibilty, because i've heard its really good book and i like the cover.

Hannah said...

The ward, Mila, In the After or Between the Devil!! Haha! Thanks Evie! You rock!

Unknown said...

I would pick Unravel Me! Love that series and am dying to read the next book:) Thanks for the chance to win!

Natasha Areena said...

I would pick Thing I Can't Forget. I really enjoyed Kenneally's writing style in Catching Jordan and Stealing Parker and I'm really excited for this one!!

Bianca said...

Wooowwwww, it's fantastic!!!!

Bianca said...

I'd love to Dare you to,the cover is amazing and I'm reading pushing the limits

May said...

I'd choose Shadow Lands by Kate Brian. I have been a huge fan of hers since she started the PRIVATE SERIES. Those were my all time favorite. Wish they didn't have to end :(

cqahsan said...

I would love to read Just One Day.

Thanks for the giveaway!

cqahsan said...

Ouh because of I want to try a new genre of book.

Ari Lee said...

I would pick Paper Valentine, I've been waiting for it since I first saw it. Or maybe The Archived or Shadow Lands. Thanks for the giveaway!

mariska said...

I think it would be poison. Because it sounds like a really good book.

Thanks for the giveaway

Leoni400 said...

I would pick Shadowlands because I read a really great review for it on Goodreads! It sounds like it is veery suspenseful.

Unknown said...

I would pick Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea by April Tucholke

Lisa said...

ugh so many books!

I'd love to have Just One Day or Dare You Too!

Unknown said...

Unravel Me. Because that eye has been looking at me for a long time.

ramydul said...

I would pick Unravel me or Unremembered.Anyway, all of them are great!

fhms97 said...

i would choose unravel me because i LOOOVED shatter me so much!

deasuluna said...

Either Unravel Me because after reading Destroy Me I want to know more and this story has me hooked. Or Scarlet because Cinder was a great fast paced read which left me with some questions that I need answered!!

Mimi Smith said...

Dare You To, because I'm curious and can't wait!

Unknown said...

Dark Triumph by Robin LaFevers. I LOVED the first book and can't wait for the sequel.

Jorese said...

Gayle Forman's Just One Day. I really liked her other work If I Stay

thepamjelly said...

the archived :) it sounds so intriguing!

thanks for the giveaway!

iOaNa... said...

The Goddess Inheritance,Unravel Me or Dare You To...I read the books before them and I can't wait to read them

leighmarbella said...

I'd probably piuck Just One Day by Gayle Forman or Unravel Me by Thaereh Mafi. I love Gayle Forman and I love the Shatter Me series. :)

Michelle Chew said...

I'd pick Scarlet! :)

Crina|| booktwist_ said...

I think i'd pick Unremembered or Dare You To. But there are so many:x

Sel said...

Unravel Me because I love the series :)

Farah said...

Invisibility for sure!

Those two awesome authors combined? That book'll be a blast! :D

Adriana @ BooksOnHerMind said...

Star Cursed! Loved the first book to death :D

Gigi said...

UNRAVEL ME!! I want more Adam! More! Moreeee!

Tammy said...

I would pick unravel me!! I loved the first two books in this series. I can not wait to read this one.

All these books I want. I think you picked every book on my wish list.

Thank you for such a awesome giveaway!

Happy New Year!

Ryver ( that's my nickname). I know I'm weird. Lol

Nymeria said...

I would like to win Poison. The cover is fantastic and I'm dying to read it.

Anonymous said...

I would pick "The Archived" by Victoria Schwab. This books rules them all for me because for one the cover is amazing and the story is about dead people. Yay

Cristinab said...

Dare to you! by Katie McGarry.
I really loved pushing the limits and I liked Beth, and i wanna know her pov!
thx for this great giveaway!

Forever Lost in Books said...

UNRAVEL ME, of course! :P

Kenia Roman said...

Shadow lands
I just want to tell you that I love you for this oportunity (:

bashashhazbaz said...

they all look good! i would choose either between the devil and the deep blue sea or shades of earth. mainly because they look very cool! thanks for this giveaway!

Angelique Asher said...

I would choose Poison, because the cover just looks very interesting.

Nitzan Schwarz said...

I would, without a doubt, pick Scarlet. That is one of the books I am most waiting for! I adored Cinder and I can't wait to read more of this fabulous series!
Thank you so much for giving me a chance to win this book!

Braiden said...

I would definitely pick either Ink or Invisibility. These are two that I'm definitely looking forward to reading. It would've been Shades of Earth but I defy getting it at the moment because of the cover change. Thanks for the give-away.

Robin said...

I'd pick Just One Day by Gayle Forman! I just finished grad school and I'm finally back to having free time to read what I want! This book sounds like my type of read and the start to a great duet of novels about self-discovery and true love!
Thanks for the giveaway :)

Ayanami Faerudo said...

I pick Prophecy by Ellen Oh - one of the few Asian-inspired YA I've seen.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

I'd love to win Dare You To because I loved Katie Mcgarry's other book: Pushing the Limits and I'm sure this one will be just as good!

Thanks for the giveaway and Happy New Year! :)

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