Saturday, April 25, 2015

Wanderings on Darker Shores by Cora Pop (Review + Giveaway)

Publication Date:November 21, 2014
Published By:  Author
WebsiteWanderings on Darker Shores on Goodreads

Cora Pop Website
My review copy:Won from Author 

Where to get:


  Brush shoulders with a few ghosts... Catch a glint of the Moon on a fang... Hear the grinding of zombies' teeth... Reflect on mirrors and souls... Get a whiff of otherness, from the earth, from the sea... Wander beyond the veil of reality with this eclectic collection of tales in prose and verse. That is, if you dare...

My Thoughts

Never Before!

 Wandering on Darker Shores is like nothing I have ever reviewed before.  I have read and reviewed,novellas, novels and anthologies but nothing like this before.  Yes, Wandering on Darker Shores is a bunch of short stories but they are truly mean to be short and to the point.  Each story delivers its own brand of creepy, twisted or dark.

  Due to the nature of the book there is no pacing to worry about or particular plot line to follow.  Just about my favourite thing about this book is that you can read it a bit at a time and enjoy it.  That's not saying that when you put it down, you don't want to pick it back up.  You do want to pick it back up, but you can do so knowing that you will finish what you start in that one sitting.

"Flames and smoke burst out, but from within them, Gemma noticed a darker smoke emerge, a narrow, twisting, pitch black bundle of smoke, that rose spinning quickly as if with purpose then disappeared into the pink sunrise sky."

  There is nothing ordinary about the words on these pages.  Even the poems that would normally not interest me held me, kept me interested in reading the next one that would grace the pages.  Each one was unique and held some twist in it, each carrying its own unique pace.

I wish they were truethese thingsI've been telling youto soften your worries

  Though there is no formal way to describe this book, know that I have never read anything like it before, and I will continue to continue to revisit the stories.  There are ones that still stand out in memory and the uniqueness of it all was wonderful.  I can easily recommend this to anyone from YA to adult.  There will be something in it that everyone can enjoy.

About the Author
Cora Pop has a life-long love for spinning stories, mostly from the yarn of the science-fiction and the fantastic. She’s acquired it by reading such masters as Edgar Allan Poe, Jules Verne, Jean Ray, Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, Edgar Rice Burroughs – to name only a few.

In “real” life she has a Master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering, though she much prefers her imaginary life. She lives in Montreal, Canada, with her husband, their two young daughters, and a shy cat named Blues.

Find Her:

Cora has generously offered up 5 pdf. copies of this
awesome book!!  

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