Friday, April 10, 2015

Unblocked *Episode 1* by Marni Mann (Review + Giveaway)

Marni Mann is a new Indie for me this year and I am beyond glad that I had the
chance to read her novella <3  

Romance, Adult
Publication Date:March 10, 2015
Published By:  Author
WebsiteUnblocked on Goodreads

Marni Mann Website
My review copy:From Author in return for honest review in event

Where to get:


Derek Block seeks revenge. Frankie Jordan seeks professional dominance. He wants her, she wants him. Lines that can't cross begin to blur. Things start heating up as real estate gets real…

This is the first episode of a five-episode novella series.

  Derek Block was anything but polished.  He was brutish and grizzled, and as he stared at me, a rough, raw intensity poured from his electric blue eyes.  His gaze was as primal as his appearance.
  Frankie was, making her an asset to my company... and to me.  She was acute and fierce, intriguing and stunning; her answers had captured my attention.  It was rare that someone could compel me to look nowhere but at them, yet she had me hanging on every word that came through those delicious lips.
  It felt like the temperature in the room had changed.  Beads of sweat began to form on my back, my shirt sticking to my skin.  I gripped the armrests to steady both hands.  "I plan on selling every unit in record time, some before they hit MLS.  Others right    "
  "No."  His expression finally changed   to boredom.  "The outcome of our partnership."
My Thoughts
  A quick and delicious read...

  At only 109 pages, Unblocked is an extremely quick read.  This being said it's hard to pack all that I need to into this review without spoiling it all for you.  It is also just the beginning of a five episode set of novella's.  This is the kind of novella I love, the kind you pick up and then don't want to put it down...  Well, and then you end up wishing that the next episode was out.

  Considering that this is a novella and the pace is quick because you go from point A to point B, so quickly the plot doesn't feel rushed.  Unblocked very much sets up everything for the novella's that are to follow.  However, it is done in such a way that it's not boring and leaves you wanting to turn the page to get a little more.  The two main characters have a solid foundation, and give you enough that you will know if you like them or not.  For a novella Unblocked was extremely well played out.

  Right from the get go you can tell that Frankie has some serious sexual tension going on.  I mean this girl is having a problem pulling apart from her dreams, even though she doesn't know who stars in them every night.  Despite her weakness when it comes to needing satisfaction, Frankie is a power house of a woman.  She wants to be taken seriously and eventually take her fathers place at the head of the real estate business, so she takes pride in her work and stays professional.  As a protagonist Frankie is solid.

  Derek is not your typical tycoon of a builder, and is a far cry from anything that you would expect.  He is not the clean cut out type of guy, preferring to be rough around the edges.  He is a man that knows what he wants, but that doesn't include a woman.  No, he likes to think that the no commitment way is his only way.  He also seems to see through the crap that everyone around him seems to want to toss his way.  When he sets his sights on Frankie it was bound to be explosive, but he also holds the professional with work ethic.  This being said these two know what they want but with circumstances they just tend to build sexual tension.

  I have no problem telling fans of adult romance to look out for this novella and those that follow.  Unblocked Episode 1 has started a little addiction for me, and it will not be complete until I have all 5 episodes.  These novellas promise to be as sexy as they are addictive and I want fans of adult romance/erotic reads to not hesitate to pick up these episodes.

About the Author

Best-selling Author Marni Mann knew she was going to be a writer since middle school. While other girls her age were daydreaming about teenage pop stars, Mann was fantasizing about penning her first novel. She crafts sexy, titillating stories that weave together her love of darkness, mystery, passion, and human emotion. A New Englander at heart, she now lives in Sarasota, Florida with her husband and their two dogs who subsequently have been characters in her books. When she's not nose deep in her laptop working on her next novel, she's scouring for chocolate, sipping wine, traveling to new locations, and devouring fabulous books.

Find Her:


A HUGE thank you to Marni for providing some awesome 
ebooks for this event! 

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