Bookish Wishlist
It's sickening how quickly I fill up my bookshelves. I was so sure the three I bought last August would last much longer than they have. Of course, Joe did steal part of it, but not nearly enough to really make that much of a difference. I haven't yet bought a new one, but if the books on my floor and in boxes are any testament, it's time. Either that or - gasp! - a book purge!
Reading Nook
Let's be serious. What avid reader doesn't want a reading nook. These in particular are rather amazing - I'm a huge fan of number 1, 7, 8, and 9. What are you favorites?
Bathtub Caddy
Library Embosser
Floating Bookshelves
Book Map
Bookjigs Bookmarks
So simple, so fun! I am constantly losing my bookmarks in my blankets or in the couch while I'm reading. This is definitely a solution for people like me. And they're so cute!
Reading Nook
One of the best inventions ever. It holds your book, your wine, and other bath time necessitates. You don't have to worry about dropping your book and can fully relax.
How fun would it be to mark your books with one of these?! Either that or like a stamp that says something similar. I've been meaning to get one of these, but I'm going to wait to ask for one this Christmas - it'll be the first thing with my new name on it!
Seriously. These are the coolest and it's incredibly simple to DIY! This would be an amazing way to 1) free up space on my overflowing bookshelves and display a few favorites.
Cutest. Shirts. Ever. And they're all literature related. Let the world know your favorite books with adorable t-shirts! How can you resist? You can't. Just give in now. You know you wanna . . .
Typography Art Print
These prints are fabulous! The entire novel is typed out, but they cut out characters/shapes that pertain to each novel. Perfection.
Vintage Book of the Month Club
Now I don't necessarily want this, but I think it's a really cute idea for somebody that loves vintage/classic books. There's plenty of shops on Etsy that sell them to pick from.
Well that's a pretty decent list, don't you think? What are some of your Bookish Wishlist items? Be sure to leave me a link to your list!

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