Genre: New Adult, Coming of Age, FictionPublication.Date November 29th 2013 Pages: 249 Published By: Amazon Digital Services Website: Krystle Lewallen Fractured Heart Goodreads My review copy: I was given an ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review
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But there is mercy...
My name is Katy. I have been ripped apart and torn to shreds by past and present circumstances. Everything that I am had been tested, and faith is slowly fading away. I try to forget the past. I try not to let those events define my life. But the past, she just walked through the door, and she is about to test every limit that I can handle, and push me completely over the edge.
My life...just got real
“I haven't been here before, this place that is as dark as a bottomless hole, where time and pain does not matter, but I welcome the escape. The emptiness that I feel inside has hollowed out my existence. Every action seems manufactured and every sound is wordless."
"Why me? I'd rather he bang my head into the cement, shoot me, throw my down the stairs, anything but this. I have never wanted death, until now. The thought of what is about to happen, and the fear that overtakes me causes me to tense up. I start to see spots in my vision; no please don't pass out. I have to keep fighting even though it's not getting me anywhere. The spots deepen. Right before complete darkness overtakes me, I hear a thump followed by a loud "Ugh." And then I am gone."
“I would have never thought I had a dark side. But now, with the route my life has taken, I thought that maybe everyone did have a dark side. It was just buried deep, and certain life events pulled it out of hibernation. I wondered if there was anything that could bury the dark side again or if one had to just learn to live with it. That led me to thoughts of my mom. She embraced her dark side. Would I?"
“There will always be a battle whether it is in your head or in your physical life. The dark is always there to take you on, but you have to find the light in the dark to be able to pull yourself out."

Inspiring. Life changing. Emotional. Candid.
I was given an ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review.
A powerfully emotional read, this book sparked great emotion in me from the very beginning. The book starts off with Katy in bed because her grandmother just died. Although a death of a grandparent is tragic for anyone, it meant so much more to Katy. Her grandmother raised her from a very young age. She was the only person in Katy's life that never left her so Katy felt a deep bond with her. She trusted her fully and completely. Then all of the sudden her grandmother was gone and Katy is left to pick up the pieces of her life without anyone on her side.
Have you ever read a book that made you think? Now I'm not talking about a self-help book that is meant to make you think and make changes to your life, but instead a fictional story that just pulls you in and makes you reevaluate where you are in life and where you want to be. This book was THAT book for me. I found myself questioning my values, asking if I would find myself at a crossroads one day, would I be able to make the tough choices that Katy made in this emotional exhilarating read.
Fractured Heart feels as if it could be anyone of ours stories. It is the story of a girl who has been handed so much pain in life. She needs to decide what her next move will be. Katy needs to decide if she is going to feed the pain inside her by giving up or triumph over her pain and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Will she keep moving forward or will she let her painful circumstances consume her life?
This was a first novel by the self published author Krystle Lewallen. Krystle's writing style was well thought out and on point especially knowing that this is her first novel. I for one felt that her writing style was inspiring, and beautiful to say the least. She brings the reader into the story with such fierce emotion that when you have to let go, you feel a bit disappointed. This is one of those books that you just have to pick up and read again and again because even though you might know the ending, the journey is one you want to keep living over and over again. Make sure to stop by Amazon and get your copy of "Fractured Heart" Today. This book is a true hidden treasure.

About the author:
Website. Facebook. Twitter Goodreads
Krystle is a full time stay at home mom with a passion for reading and writing. Currently, she lives in Florida on an island with her husband and two young boys. Writing has always been something she loved to do, but she had to step away from it for awhile. The pull was too great, so today she writes as if it were a living breathing part of her, and she loves every moment of it. Fractured Heart is the first in The Redemption Series. It is also Krystle's debut novel.

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