Monday, February 18, 2013

Announcing: MEN in YA2 in March!

So just a quick announcement! MEN in YA2 (YA Galaxy Defenders) is going to be taking place here, on Bookish, throughout the month of March :) If you take a look at the picture below, you'll see some of the books I will be featuring during the event (these aren't all of them, just the ones that were handy).

Add to the list awesome titles like: Release by M.R. Merrick, Elemental by Antony John, Zombies Don't Forgive by Rusty Fischer, Rotten by Michael Northrop and a few other that I'm hoping to get to and what you'll get is a pretty mind-popping event :) There will be giveaways, guest posts and interviews - as usual - but no dress ups this time (awww.. I know, disappointing!). I will be coming back to the original concept of MEN in YA (men+sun glasses +  guns) at the end of the year, when I'll be hosting my man-candy calendar edition!

This is the final call for authors and publicists to pitch their books or arrange a feature during the event. I still have a couple spots left, and am open to suggestions!

I am also looking for bloggers / reviewers who would be interested in guest posting during the event! If you'd like to guest review your favorite/recently read male-written YA book, or would like to share with us your thoughts on male-written YA novels, give us your top 10 favs or most anticipated releases - please contact me @ and we'll talk details! I am hoping to have my schedule finalized before the weekend rolls in, so you still have a couple days to get in touch! :)

Super excited for this event! :) Let's have even more fun than we had with the previous edition! :)


Amy said...

I can't wait to see what you have for this event!! I loved the first one that you did!!

Evie said...

Thanks, Amy! :) I'm pumped for the second edition, too! :)

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