It's official! Bookish has turned ONE! Woooohoooo *Evie is doing a happy dance*. It's been a long, eventful and very rewarding journey and I hope for the next year to be even more wicked awesome, fun and book-crazy! :)
A Bookish year in stats:
- Followers: 2347
- Pageviews: 116,051
- 409 posts
- 111 Reviews
- 50 Author Interviews
- 18 Guest Posts
- 91 Giveaways
A Bookish Year in Review:
- This year, together with 10 other wicked awesome bloggers, we are hosting 2012 TBR PILE Reading Challenge (the sign-ups are still open and every month we are giving away book prizes!).
- Last year I hosted MEN in YA - a wicked cool event spotlighting the most fabulous male YA authors in the world! And here's some good news: MEN in YA 2 is coming to town in September!!! :)
- My favorite book of 2011: Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake
- My favorite guest post: Valentine GP with Ann Stampler, author of Where It Began
- Favorite Vlog: Matt Merrick and "What It Takes to Be a YA Galaxy Defender?"
I would like to take this opportunity to thank those of you who have supported me the most:
- Asheley from Into The Hall of Books
- Bonnie from Hands at Home
- Nicole from Nicole About Town
- Kathy from A Glass Of Wine
- Ashley from The Bookish Brunette
- Lea from LC's Adventures in Libraryland
- Andrea from Cozy Up With a Good Read
- Wendy from A Cupcake and A Latte
- Michele from Just A Lil' Lost
- Angel from Mermaid Vision Books
- Christa from Hooked on Books
- Roro from Roro is Reading
- Birgit from The Book Garden
- Orchid from The Haunting of Orchid Forsythia
- Amy from Book Loving Mom
- Emily from Doodle's Book Blog
- Stephanie from Little Red Reads
- Wendy from The Midnight Garden
- Molli from Once Upon a Prologue
- Giselle from Xpresso Reads
- Agnieszka from A Nook Full of Books
- Natalia from Dazzling Reads
- Justin from Justin's Book Blog
- Rusty Fischer, author of Zombies Don't Cry and Vamplayers
- Matt Merrick, author of Exiled
- Tamara Rose Blodgett, author of Death series and Savage series
- Ann Stampler, author of Where It Began
- Nina Marie Gardner, author of Sherry&Narcotics
- Lena Coakley, author of Witchlanders
- Hiromi Goto, author of Half Blood and Darkest Light
- Jennifer L. Armentrout, author of The Covenant series
- Joanne Levy, author of Small Medium at Large
- J. Gabriel Gates, author of The Tracks series
- Aimee Carter, author Goddess Test series
- Lesley Livingston, author of Wondrous Strange series
- Elizabeth Miles, author of Fury
- Michelle Hodkin, author of Unbecoming of Mara Dyer
- Zoraida Cordova, author of Vicious Deep
- Michael Northrop, author of Trapped
- Jessica Shirvington, author of Embrace
- Stephen Zimmer, author The Rising Dawn saga
And now onto the giveaway!
The Prizes:
- 3 winners will each get their choice of one book from the list above.
- Ends: May 31st
- You have to be 13 yo or older to be eligible to win.
- You have to be a follower of this blog and enter through Rafflecopter below.
- There are many to get extra entries so knock yourself out!
- Some blogger love is highly appreciated :)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
1 – 200 of 397 Newer› Newest»The Last Princess looks amazing
Happy Blogoversary!!!
And thank you for the awesome giveaway, I think I'd pick Breathe :D
Really impressive stats for only 1 year =)
I'd like to win Breathe
Thanks for hosting this awesome giveaway and congrats on your blogoversary!!
I would love to win the Last Princess or Glimpse!!
The Last Princess for me!
Happy Blogoversary!
Id love to read This Is Not A Test! Thanks for the amazing giveaway and all the best for year 2!
HAPPY BLOGAVERSARY! <3 That's so crazy and awesome. I can only imagine how that feels. It's fantastic that you've not only been blogging for that long but done so much in that time. :D
As for the books, I'm thinking This Is Not A Test. :)
Happy Blogoversary Evie! Wishing you many, many more. Thanks for hosting this awesome giveaway. I'd love to win Something Like Normal.
I'd love to read the Immortal Rules! And congratulations!
Happy Blog-o-versary!! :)
I am thinking on this one...it's a tie between Immortal Rules, Breathe, and Until I Die - but all of them look/sound interesting!!
Happy Blog-o-versary!! :)
I am thinking on this one...it's a tie between Immortal Rules, Breathe, and Until I Die - but all of them look/sound interesting!!
Currently thinking The Last Princess or Breathe
Currently thinking The Last Princess or Breathe
Congrats on 1 year, you've done a lot in such a short amount of time. I'm thinking I'd like Beta but choosing just one book is (as always!) hard!
Congrats on 1 year, you've done a lot in such a short amount of time. I'm thinking I'd like Beta but choosing just one book is (as always!) hard!
Congrats on your one year!! That's so awesome!
I would choose Revive or Until I Die.. both sound really good!
One year! OMG, I'm sure you are utterly happy, you deserve it :D
A million hugs and kisses :)
BTW, you ROCK! xD
Happy Blogoversary!
I'd like to win The Last Princess or Breathe
Happy Blogoversary! :)
I would pick The Immortal Rules.
That's an amazing set of accomplishments for one year. Congrats!!
I'd love to win Goddess Interrupted!
I love Courtney Summers and I can't wait to read This is Not a Test. Thanks and happy blogoversary!
I would like to win Goddess Interrupted! Thanks for the chance to win and congratulations!
I would love to win the last princess! Happy Blog-O-Versary!
Congratulations! You have done great on your first year, so many followers and reviews!
Anyway, I'd love to win This is Not a Test :)
Happy Blog Birthday! Congratulations on all you have accomplished :) I'm a huge fan of the 2012 TBR challenge!
How would I pick one out of those options?!? : )
Either the Immortal Rules or Until I Die.
Thanks for the giveaway & Happy Blogoversary!!!
ambience.of.rain {at} gmail.com
Congrats on one full year! I'd love to win either The Immortal Rules or Glimpse. Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
Great Giveaway and Happy Blog-O-Versary! I'd love to win The Immortal Rules!
Also, I think I may have messed up the entering process of this giveaway. If so, I apologize profusely :/
Happy Blogoversary!!! :D
I'd like BETA or This is Not a Test. I can't decide!
Happy 1 yr anniversary!
Happy Blogoversary!!!
I'd like to win The Glimpse. thanks a lot for the giveaway :)
Ohh, such a hard thing to decide!!! Maybe Breathe or This is Not a Test.
I would love to win Until I Die, I can't wait to read this book!!! Thanks for the giveaway :D
Happy Blogoversary!!
I'd love Until I die
Happy Blogoversary!
I'm glad you enjoyed this year. For me, this whole blogging stuff is just beginning, but let me just say, you are a HUGE inspiration! Thanks for the giveaway, and good luck on the upcoming years :D
Hope you have a great blogoversary!
I LOVE YOU TOO!!! Congrats on your one year Blog-O-Versary!!!
I'm between This is Not a Test and Something Like Normal.
Happy Blogoversary and thank you for the awesome giveaway! I would love to win Until I Die. :)
I am fairly sure I would choose Until I Die. Thank you so much for doing this!!! Congrats one the milestone!! I only hope that I can make it as far as you did!!
Happy Blogoversary! I feel like I haven't accomplished anything in a year next to you! :P Oh, and I'd love Until I Die. ^_^ Thanks for the giveaway! <3
I'd like to win either The Immortal Rules of Until I Die.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Happy blogoversary!! Wow, I remember being here back when it first started... kind of (:
I'd love to win... hm... Glimpse, probably.
Congratulations on one year Evie! :) You've done an awesome job in one year, I can't wait to see what you do in the second year. Just seeing how you interact with others in the community, you're such a positive force within the community. :) Can't wait to see where you and your blog go next.
I'm not entering the giveaway, just wanted to share my thoughts and say congratulations. You are such an awesome person, it's really an honor to know you. I am sure other people that have met you through blogging, at events and things like that would all feel the same. You just got an amazing personality, and are a great part of this community.
I'd like to win Until I Die.
Happy Blogoversay! :)
Happy Blogoversary!
It is a tough decision but I think I would pick Breathe! :)
A very HUGE happy blogoversary to you, Evie! I'm going to leave the prizes up to your loyal followers, but wanted to come by to give you a big virtual high five, so: *HIGH 5*.
Very difficult choice, but I think I would go with Beta by Rachel Cohn.
Happy blogoversary & thanks for the giveaway!
Has it really been a year already Evie? What an amazing year you have made it - both for Bookish, as well as for every one who is lucky enough to know you! You are an incredible girl who I am happy to call a friend. Keep being awesome girl and thank you so much for the <3
Congratulations, Evie! :) Thanks for this wonderful giveaway. Such a generous person. I'd like to win The Immortal Rules. :)
Happy Blogversary! That is amazing! You certainly had a great year :D
I'mnot sure what I'd want to win, Beta or Survive maybe.
Goddess interrupted happy blogoversary.
I would love to win This is Not a Test!! Thanks for doing this blogoversary!!
Congrats on the blogiversary! And I would ask for Stormdancer. I can't wait for that book!
Happy Blogoversary! Here's to many more to come!
Thanks for the giveaway, I'd really like to win The Last Princess.
The waiting sky looks good!
I'd like to win This Is Not A Test, it's different from what I usually read !
Happy Blogoversary ! One whole year congrats.
The Waiting Sky! I have wanted that since I first saw it! Thanks! And Congrats! :)
A VERY happy 1 year anniversary to you! I just joined your site. Friends on Twitter and Facebook. etc.
Happy bloggoversary! I would love Breathe!
Congrats on your 1 year blogoversary!
I'd like to win Beta by Rachel Cohn.
Happy Blogoversary! :)
I would pick Breathe by Sarah Crossan.
Congratulations & Thank You!!
I would love UNTIL I DIE.
Happy Blogoversary!
I'd pick This is Not a Test!
Happy Blogoversary and congratulations!
I would love to win Until I Die. Thanks so much for the giveaway!
All of them? I honestly don't know, but if I win I will figure it out. Promise! Thanks so much for the giveaway and Happy Bolgoversary!
Jaime Lynn- GFC
Happy Blogoversary!
I would pick The Immortal Rules.
Happy Blogoversary, Evie!!!
I'd like to win The Glimpse :)
Happy Blogoversary, sweetie :D <3 Thank you for this giveaway. <3 I think I want a copy of The Immortal Rules :D
Love, Carina
Happy Blogoversary, Evie! :))
I think.. I would like to win The Immortal Rules :)
Happy 1 year Blog-O-Versary!!! :)
Handshake from Hungary. ^^
I very want to win 'Revived' by Cat Patrick.
It is honestly so incredibly hard to choose! So many great books in that list! But I would have to choose The Immortal Rules. Happy first year blogoversary! I wish you all the luck in the future!!
congratz....and thx u for giveaway....
I choose UNTIL I DIE by amy plum :-)
A big Happy Anniversary and congratulations. You've given us some amazing books to pick from and it's so hard to select so I'm going to go with my fave eye candy and the cover I like the best. Beta.
Oooohh either "Survive" or "Beta". SO many good choices!! :D
Thank you SO much! :D
My choice would be Beta or Breathe - both sound really interesting to me.
Happy Blog-o-versary :)
Congratulations! And what a great give-away, wow! You're the best :)
Congratulations! Either The Immortal Rules or Stormdance I think!
i would love to read immortal rules by julie kagawa :) thank you so much for this amazing giveaway, i love your blog :)
Happy blogversary and congratulations for this amazing blog!!!!
And thank you for this great giveaway with such beatifull books.
Happy Blogoversary!
I'd like to win Revived or Survive.
Of all your stats, I love that you have 111 reviews to show from your first year of book blogging. =) Perhaps you could try to do another 111 over the next year, so that you can have 222 after two years! ;-)
Thanks for the giveaway. I chose This Is Not a Test and am keeping my fingers crossed!
Thank you so much for this amazing giveaway. I´d like to win Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa :D
Wow! I came hear only a month ago and never thought your blog was so young. Congratulations!
The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa.
Beta by Rachel Cohn
Something Like Normal by Trish Doller. :)
Thanks and congrats!
thanks for the giveaway and congrats! I would love to win the immortal rules!
I'd like to win The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa! ;)
Happy blogoversary
thansk youa lot for this great giveaway. I would like goodness interrupted
all the best and Happy easter
CAN I choose if i win pls?? No... then Revived I guess
Amazing books, amaying giveaway, amazing blog! >u<
amazing giveaway...thanks
Thanks for the awesome giveaway and congratulations for your blogging anniversary =).
I would love to win Something Like Normal by Trish Doller.
Congrats on the blogoversary!
Not sure which book I would pick,maybe Revived or The Waiting Sky.
I'd love to win Goddess Interrupted or The Immortal Rules. They both sound like really good books!
I would definitely choose The Immortal Rules! I'm a new follower and thank you very much for this giveaway and the fact that you've made it international!!
The cover of Revived is so intriguing... and I want Until I Die, too!
**Katy M
Recommending YA books beyond the bestsellers at
Follow me on Twitter @BooksYALove
Congratulations! Thank you for this awesome giveaway and making it internationally (:
I´d like to win The Glimpse
by Claire Merle ´cause this book sounds great!
The Last Princess. That sounds really good. :D
thank you!
Breathe :)
Congratulations for your blogoversary!!
The Last Princess sounds amazing!!
Congratulations! I´d like to win Breathe.
Thank you for the giveaway.
I would love until I die.
Congrats and thank you for this chance! I would love to win a copy of Ashes of Twilight. :)
Beta or This Is Not A Test - both sound really good.
Happy blogoversary!! I'd love to read The Last Princess!:D Thanks!
Congratulations and thank's for the giveaway! I'd go for Goddess Interrupted if I was lucky enough to win!
Yay! Congrats to you on your blogoversary:) If I won I would choose The Immortal Rules:)
I would love The Immortal Rules. :)
Congratulations on 1 year! And thanks a lot for hosting this great giveaway. If I were lucky enough to win, I think I would choose Breathe, but there are a lot of awesome choices there. Thanks again Evie!
Happy Blogoversary! I would pick Stormdancer :)
Congrats on the 1 year!!! And thank you for the giveaway!
I'd pick Until I die :)
So many great choices...I think I choose Goddess Interrupted.
Oh my God!! Your blog is so so beautiful <3 How come I've never seen it before?? I've must been living under a HUGE rock :/ Nonetheless I love it!! :) :) And congratulations for your blogoversary :) <3 <3
New follower!! :) ;) <3
lol with all the enthusiasm I forgot to answer your question :P I would love to win Until I die by Amy Plum :) I loved the first book! :)
I would pick Counting Backwards!
Congratz on your 1st YEar....
And Thank you For the giveaway....
I would pick Breathe
Happy Blogoversary Evie!! You have such a great blog and I enjoy stopping by and stalking it!! I am honored that you put me as one of your biggest supporters. :) You totally rock chick!! Love ya!
If I won I would choose This Is Not A Test.
Happy blogoversary!
If I could win 1 book, it would be Stormdacer by Jay Kristoff.
Happy Blogoversary!
I would love to read The Immortal Rules :)
Happy blogoversary! :D
I would love to win The Immortal Rules.
Thanks for the giveaway! :)
- Noely Jeleen
Happy Blogoversary!!!
You chose some really aweomse books! Thanks for the giveaway!
Happy Blogversary! And thanks for such an awesome giveaway!
Congrats on your one year!! That was amazing!!
I would love to win The Last Princess or Goddess Interrupted.
Thanks for giveaway and chance to win!!
I'm torn between Breathe and Immortal Rules both sound awesome.
Happy Birthday to You!
I would love to win Survive or The Glimpse.
Thanks for the fabulous giveaway!
So hard to choose! Maybe the Last Princess? Or Breathe? Lol, such a hard decision! Happy Blogoversary! :)
Happy Blogoversary, I'd love to win a copy of The Immortal Rules.
Congratulations and happy blogoversary! I hope you will be with us for a long time! ;)
Thank you for the giveaway!
I would love to win The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa, this book looks fantastic!
Happy Blogoversay!!
I'd <3 to win Until I die by Amy Plum!
Thank you for this very generous giveaway chance!
DeAnna Schutlz
happy blogversary :)
I'd love to win Something Like Normal
by Trish Doller!
Aah, I can't choose! But if I win, it'll be between The Immortal Rules or Stormdancer!
Congrats on the Blog-o-versary and thank you for the giveaway!
Congrats! I'm not sure, probably The Immortal Rules or Revived!
Happy Blog-o-versary!! :)
so happy for your succes evie
and glad i stumbled upon your blog when book blogging was new for me last year
its going2be so hard
if i win cause i want 3 books there lol
waiting/the waiting sky /storm dancer
Happy Blogoversary!, hmmm I think I would go with Survive by Alex Morel.
Congrats on your 1 year Blogoversary!
Thanks for the generous contest. All the books sound good.
I think I would pick Goddess Interrupted.
GFC: lindsaywolford
Happy Blogoversary!! :) Such a fun anniversary to celebrate.
Thanks for the very generous giveaway! I have to say Breathe by Sarah Crossan. I featured it a couple of weeks ago on my WoW and it looks awesome. :)
Happy 1 year! I remember when you first started your blog (and you left a comment on mine). You have done AMAZINGLY well! (better than I have ;). I would love to win This is Not A Test
Happy Blogoversary!
If I won I think I would choose either The Immortal Rules or Until I Die =)
happy blogoversary and my choice would be the immortal rules
Congrats on your first year! I would love The Glimpse. Thanks fro the awesome giveaway :)
Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma.
And thank you! :)
congrats on your 1 year!!
i like to win something like normal.
Serious congrats on the success of your first year! Thank you for this giveaway, you can really pick amazing books!
My choice would be either Ashes of Twilight or Stormdancer.
Happy Blog Anniversary! I would like to read The Waiting Sky. Today's the first time I heard about and the premise caught my attention.
Ooh sooo many awesome books! A few of these I hadn't heard of, so I might pick one of them. Beta, Breathe and Waiting all sound fabulous! :D I still really want Something Like Normal...I think I'd have to do eenie meenie miny mo to choose! haha :D
Thanks for the giveaway Evie! :D
HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY, EVIE!! WOOT! Here's to many more years =)
I would absoluetly love to get The Immortal Rules! But, I'll probably ahve already bought it... so... Goddes Interrupted! :D If I have not bought TIR, then I'll take that :D
They all look very interesting hard to pick just one.
I would definitely want Until I Die! Die for me was an amazing book!
I would pick The Last Princess!!
Happy 1 year Blogoversary!
The book I choose is This Is Not A Test.
Happy blogoversary!! <3 :)
Thank you for the amazing giveaway! I think I might pick The Glimpese if I win. :)
Breathe or The Immortals! :D
Congrats and thank you for this awesome giveaway! :D
Maybe Goddess Interrupted? I can't decide!
Happy one year Evie!!!
Thanks for the awesometastic giveaway, I'd love to win Revived :)
A very happy blogoversary to you, Evie :)
Oops, forgot to say I'd probably pick Immortal Rules :)
I would love to win This is Not a Test!!
Happy Blogoversary!
I would love to read Breathe! Happy Blogoversary!!!!
Congrats! One year is so exciting!
Love the cover for Survive.
Congratulations & Happy Blogoversary!
I'd love to read The Immortal Rules!
elizabeth @ bookattict . com
So many choices! I've got my eye on Counting Backwards, but I'd definitely also like to read Stormdancer, The Glimpse and The Last Princess too. So hard to pick just one!
Thanks for the chance to win, and congrats on your blogoversary!! :)
Happy first blog birthday!!
You've done a lot in that 1 year :) Thank you for being a great blogger and sharing your love of books with your followers.
I'd probably go for The Immortal Rules or Revived.
Happy Blogoversary!!! Would love to win Until i die
Happy Blogoversary!:)
I'd like This Is Not A Test!
glass @ I'm a redaer, what about you?
The Immortal Rules sounds just about amazing.
Happy Blogoversary!!!
Wow so many great choices but I would go with Until I Die. I absolutely loved the first book and can't wait to get back into the world of revenants. Oh I have missed Vincent lol.
Happy Blogoversary!
I'd like to win "Goddess Interrupted".
And thank you for the giveaway!
Hi! Congratulations!
Thank you for this giveaway. I would choose Alex Morel - Survive
Thank you for the giveaway and for making it international. I'd go for This is Not a Test - it looks amazing! :)
Happy Blogoversary! It is amazing how much of a following you have after only one year. I hop my blog takes off like your has! ;)
Congrats on your blogoversary & all the followers! I hope this coming year is even better for you! I would pick either The Immortal Rules or Until I Die. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
I think I want to win Until I Die...and I wish you happy blogoversary :))
Thank you for the giveaway
and if I win I want Something Like Normal :D
Happy Blogoversary!
Something Like Normal
Happy Aniversary!
Happy Blogoversary.
Like the look of The Glimpse.
Thanks for running the giveaway.
Thanks for the giveaway :) so many great books... I think i'd like to won "This Is Not A Test"
These all look amazing, but I'd have to go with The Immortal Rules because I've heard the most about it.
It's so hard to choose one. I think I'd have to pick, This Is Not A Test. I need a good zombie book to sink my teeth into.
Happy Blogoversary Evie! what a wonderful milestone <3
Breathe would be my #1 pick, it sounds amazing!!
Thank-you for the giveaway..
xx Sharon @ Obsession with Books
Congrats! My blogoversary is this month too! I love your blog and I really appreciate all the hard work you do! :)
I would like to win Breathe or This is not a test .)
Thank you very, very much for this awesome giveaway!!!
Happy Blog-O-Versary! Good work 'till now! Congrats and thank you for everything you did for us! Lots of kisses! ^_^
Happy blogoversary :-)
Wish you many years with books and this site!
Be happy :-)
Happy blogoversary and thanks for the great giveaway :)
I'd like to win The Waiting Sky!
Happy Blogoversary!
I think, that I want to win The Immortal rules by Julie Kagawa :)
Happy Blog-o-versary!!! :)
I'd like to win Stormdancer :D
Congrats! :)
I'd like to win The Immortal Rules.
I'd like to win The Last Princess or Stormdancer
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