I'm excited to announce the dates and hosts for the upcoming blog tour for SELA by Jackie Gamber (the sequel to Redheart). The blog tour is organized by Seventh Star Press and hosted byv Babs Book Bistro.
Here is the lineup:
March 27 Lisa's Book Reviews http://www.lisasworldofbooks.net
March 28 Watch Play Read http://watchplayread.com/
March 29 Stuck In Books http://www.stuckinbooks.com/
March 30 Fade Into Fantasy http://fadeintofantasy.com
March 31 Ian's Realm http://dragontargeseries.blogspot.com
March 28 Watch Play Read http://watchplayread.com/
March 29 Stuck In Books http://www.stuckinbooks.com/
March 30 Fade Into Fantasy http://fadeintofantasy.com
March 31 Ian's Realm http://dragontargeseries.blogspot.com
April 1 Jelly Bean Chair Reviews http:// booksfromthepurplejellybeancha ir.blogspot.com
April 2 Once Upon A Time http://onceuponatime.jaedia.net/
April 3 A Book Vacation http://bookvacations.wordpress.com
April 4 Jess Resides Here http://frellathon.com/
April 5 Soliloquy http://kaitlinmichelle.wordpress.com
April 6 Vilutheril Reviews http://www.vilutheril.com/
April 7 Ritesh Kala's Book Review http://riteshkala.wordpress.com/
April 8 Sci Fi Guys http://scifiguysbookreview.blogspot.com/
April 9 Unputdownable Books http://unputdownablebookies.blogspot.com/
April 10 Edi's Book Lighthouse http://edisbooklighthouse.blogspot.com/
April 11 Workaday Reads http://www.workadayreads.com
April 12 Eva's Sanctuary http://vampirekiss1967.blogspot.com/
April 13 Book and Movie Dimension Blog http://bmdimension.blogspot.com/
April 14 Babs Book Bistro http://www.babsbookbistro.net/blog/
April 15 Azure Dwarf Horde of Fantasy and SciFi http://azuredwarf.blogspot.com
April 16 Fade Into Fantasy http://fadeintofantasy.com
April 17 Reading Away the Days http://readingawaythedays.blogspot.com
April 18 Splash of Our Worlds http://splashofourworlds.blogspot.com/
April 19 Ali's Bookshelf http://alisbookshelfreviews.blogspot.com
April 20 Sheila Deeth http://sheiladeethhome.blogspot.com/
April 21 I Heart Reading http://daydreamingbooks.blogspot.com/
April 22 All-Consuming Media http://tigersallconsumingbooks.blogspot.com
April 23 Spellbound By Books http://www.spellboundbybooks.com/
April 24 One Thrifty Gurl http://onethriftygurl.com/
April 25 Evie Bookish http://evie-bookish.blogspot.com/
April 26 Booklady's Booknotes http://bookladysbooknotes.wordpress.com/
April 27 Ella Bella Reviews http://ellabellareviews.blogspot.com/
April 28 I Smell Sheep http://ismellsheep.blogspot.com/
April 29 The Haunting of Orchid Forsythia http://hauntedorchid.blogspot.com
April 30 Darlene's Book Nook http://darlenesbooknook.blogspot.com
April 3 A Book Vacation http://bookvacations.wordpress.com
April 4 Jess Resides Here http://frellathon.com/
April 5 Soliloquy http://kaitlinmichelle.wordpress.com
April 6 Vilutheril Reviews http://www.vilutheril.com/
April 7 Ritesh Kala's Book Review http://riteshkala.wordpress.com/
April 8 Sci Fi Guys http://scifiguysbookreview.blogspot.com/
April 9 Unputdownable Books http://unputdownablebookies.blogspot.com/
April 10 Edi's Book Lighthouse http://edisbooklighthouse.blogspot.com/
April 11 Workaday Reads http://www.workadayreads.com
April 12 Eva's Sanctuary http://vampirekiss1967.blogspot.com/
April 13 Book and Movie Dimension Blog http://bmdimension.blogspot.com/
April 14 Babs Book Bistro http://www.babsbookbistro.net/blog/
April 15 Azure Dwarf Horde of Fantasy and SciFi http://azuredwarf.blogspot.com
April 16 Fade Into Fantasy http://fadeintofantasy.com
April 17 Reading Away the Days http://readingawaythedays.blogspot.com
April 18 Splash of Our Worlds http://splashofourworlds.blogspot.com/
April 19 Ali's Bookshelf http://alisbookshelfreviews.blogspot.com
April 20 Sheila Deeth http://sheiladeethhome.blogspot.com/
April 21 I Heart Reading http://daydreamingbooks.blogspot.com/
April 22 All-Consuming Media http://tigersallconsumingbooks.blogspot.com
April 23 Spellbound By Books http://www.spellboundbybooks.com/
April 24 One Thrifty Gurl http://onethriftygurl.com/
April 25 Evie Bookish http://evie-bookish.blogspot.com/
April 26 Booklady's Booknotes http://bookladysbooknotes.wordpress.com/
April 27 Ella Bella Reviews http://ellabellareviews.blogspot.com/
April 28 I Smell Sheep http://ismellsheep.blogspot.com/
April 29 The Haunting of Orchid Forsythia http://hauntedorchid.blogspot.com

April 30 Darlene's Book Nook http://darlenesbooknook.blogspot.com
As you can see, we have a month full of amazing blog tour stops! Each of them will have something special to offer: there will be reviews, guest posts, interviews, and giveaways! Personally, I'm very excited for this event - I love Jackie and her books, and can't wait to share the love with all my readers!
Don't forget to stop by Bookish on April 25th!!!
I'm part of the tour too! This is really exciting ^^
Gosh, I have been away from the blogging world for so long! I just wanted to drop by and say hi! Your blog is looking fantastic these days :)
- Brittany
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