Monday, November 28, 2011

MEN in YA: Interview + GIVEAWAY with MR Merrick, author of Exiled

Something totally awesome is happening on the Bookish blog today! I'm very happy and honored to welcome the utmost fabulous MR Merrick to my blog for an interview and a GIVEAWAY:) Matt is the author of the brilliant Exiled - an absolutely gorgeous, action-packed YA debut novel that rocked my socks off (or, in the words of the fab Bookish Brunette: ROCKED MY FACE OFF!!!).

Guys, please give a warm welcome to our fantabulous YA Galaxy Defender, Matt Merrick!

E: Evie
MM: Matt Merrick
E: Welcome to Bookish Matt! It’s really great to talk to you today! Your YA debut novel, Exiled, is on everyone’s lips these days! Could you tell us who or what inspired you to write it?
MM: To be honest, it all has to do with a little girl named Peyton, my daughter. My work life has always been all over the place, I have a bit of problem staying challenged at work. I’ve done dozens of different things, and my schedule has always been erratic, but one thing I promised myself would always remain constant, is being there to tuck her in at night.

Exiled isn’t exactly geared for children, but the bedtime stories I would make up to tell my daughter, sparked a passion for creative writing that I never knew existed. I’ve always loved writing, but before then, I’d never been a storyteller. I owe all of this desire and passion for writing fiction to her.
E: How long did it take for you to write Exiled?
MM: It took me 6 months to write the first draft, and I must have edited it nearly a dozen times before I sent it to a professional editor. I think in total, I spent 16 – 18 months working on it.

When I started this journey, I had no idea what I was doing. I didn’t know how to write a novel, format, edit. I had to learn everything from the ground up. That definitely made the process take longer than it needed to. It didn’t help that I had no writing community. There was nothing locally that I could use to help me, besides books. I didn’t find the wonderful world of Twitter until Exiled was nearly published, so I was really left to do it all on my own.

To put all this into perspective for any non-writers. The sequel to Exiled is SHIFT. I wrote the first draft of that in 6 weeks, and when it’s published, I’ll have spent about 8 months actually working on it.
E: How would you describe your book in 5 words?
MMMagical, Unique, Dark, Passionate, Explosive
E: What was the most fun part of the book (or chapter) for you to write?
MM: The part I enjoy the most in writing is the first draft. There are no rules and you don’t hold back. You unleash a fury of keystrokes and a story explodes on the page. There’s nothing more enjoyable than not thinking about anything but an epic story.

I actually have two favorites chapters. The last chapter – including the epilogue, because it’s so powerful, and there is so much magic. And I think Chapter 17, where they first go to the tree. That scene is where everything really builds up and gets exciting for me. I’ve read this book a hundred times, but that scene, every time, gets me really jacked up
E: Are any of your characters based on people in your own life? Which of the characters do you feel is most like you?
MMI think it’s safe to say I’m most like Chase. When I started writing Exiled, his name was Chase, but in a nutshell, he was me. After a few chapters though, he became someone different. I actually had to go back and re-write the first few chapters because he wasn’t the same person he started out as. Everyone else was completely original, not based on anyone I knew, but each of their personalities has a some of me inside them, if only a little.
E: Have you always wanted to become a writer? At what point in your life did you decide that this is the right career path for you?
MMI’ve always enjoyed writing, but up until a few years ago, I never realized just how much I loved it. Exiled was when I started writing fiction, and it wasn’t until I was halfway done the first draft, that I realized I wanted to make a career out of this. I discovered a new passion, and I knew it was the career I wanted, because I’d never felt this way about anything I’d ever done before.It has brought such focus and determination to me; I hope I never lose that
E: How do you approach writing a new book? Are you a plotter or a pantser?
MMThis is a tough one for me. I wrote Exiled as a pantser. No outline, no general guideline at all. All I knew is I wanted to create new monsters, put a spin on old ones, and have a lot of really cool magic. In writing the sequel, I did a solid outline. I plotted it from beginning to end. I thought this would take the fun out of writing for me, but it didn’t, it actually made it more enjoyable. Maybe that’s because the world and foundation had already been built. I think I’ll continue to be a plotter, but if I start writing an entirely new series, I might be a pantser for the first book, and just see how far an idea can take me.
E:  What’s next in line for you? When can we expect to see the second book in Exiled series?
MM: Next is Book 2 in The Protector Series, SHIFT. I think before I start any new projects, I’ll continue working on this series. If all goes well, SHIFT will be available for your reading consumption on February 1st.

In SHIFT, you can expect more of the non-stop action you got from EXILED. It’s a lot longer book, about 1 ½ times longer actually, and we get to see more of all the characters you love. We learn more about Chase, we get to see a new side of Willy, but we really get a solid look into Rayna;her past, who she is, and who she might become.
E: If you could time travel, where would you go first?
MM: There are so many time periods I’d love to visit. I wouldn’t’ go to the future. I like the mystery of not knowing what will happen, but I’d love to go back to the time of the Mayans, preferably near the end so I could know what really went down. That, or like 3000BC, and watch how Stonehenge was built. Of course, this only works if I can speak their language. Do I get like a book, or a special machine that can translate anything and everything?
E: If your book was made into a movie, who would you cast for it?
MM: Oh man…I don’t want to be a party pooper, but I can’t answer this. I have this thing where I don’t like to tell people what my characters look like, outside of their descriptions in the book. I like to leave it all to their imagination. It’s the same reason I don’t put character’s faces on my covers. I might show you a character, but there will be no face.

There’s a few bloggers out there that have posted pictures of who they think would play Chase. They have some pretty wicked ideas. I have a picture of Rayna on my computer. Actually it’s perfect, but I found it randomly and have no idea who she is. If it was up to me to cast her, I’d put a banner across the internet with her picture and be like “If this is you, contact me ASAP.”
E: What genre do you like to read in your free time? Which of your favorite books would you recommend everybody to read?
MM: I love to read Fantasy, Thrillers, and True Crime. Really, I’ll read anything, but if I’m going in search of a book, that’s where I’ll look.

I always recommend the first three books in The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare. I absolutely love that series. I haven’t had the pleasure of reading the fourth yet. And without question, if they haven’t already read them, I will forever suggest The Harry Potter series. J.K. Rowling’s got mad skillz. For real.
I just want to say a quick thank you to Evie, for giving me the opportunity to be here on her blog, and the chance to chat with all her readers!

Matt, thank you so much for joining us today!  
I'm can't wait to get my hands on the second book in the Protector Series!
Huge thanks for being so absolutely wonderful!

I hope you guys enjoyed the interview, for more information about Matt Merrick and his books, please visit his website: Matt Merrick or/and read my review of Exiled.

Here's some more drool-inducing, swoon-worthy awesomeness from Matt!

Huge thank you to Matt Merrick for taking the pictures for the MEN in YA event! <3

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Thanks to the fabulous:
MR Merrick

I have one signed paperback to give away to one (incredibly) lucky winner!!!
I also have one eBook copy for my International followers!
To be eligible to win all you need to do is be a follower of my blog and enter through Rafflecopter below.
The paperback giveaway is open to US/Canada only, the ebook giveaway is open Worldwide!
Ends: December 20th
Please let me know in your comment if you're entering to win the paperback or eBook copy!

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This interview and giveaway are posted as a part of the MEN in YA event (Nov 20th - Dec 20th)
For more awesomeness (reviews, interviews, giveaways, guest posts) please click the banner below!

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About the Author
Evie is the Blogger behind Bookish. She enjoys reading many different genres, especially YA, Paranormal, Contemporary Fiction and Fantasy.
She loves talking to authors and is always happy to welcome them for interviews, and guest posts. She also likes spreading the love for awesome books and  chatting with fellow book-worms.
You can find Evie here: Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads | Shelfari | The Library Thing
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