Thursday, September 3, 2020

The Comeback by Ella Berman (Review)

Thriller, Psychological Thriller
Publication Date:August 3rd 2020
Pages:384 (Hardcover)
Published By:  Berkley
Website:Ella Berman

The Comeback on Goodreads
My review copy:
Compliments of the publisher

Where to get:


Grace Turner was one movie away from Hollywood’s A-List. So no one understood why, at the height of her career and on the eve of her first Golden Globe nomination, she disappeared.

Now, one year later, Grace is back in Los Angeles and determined to reclaim her life on her own terms.

So when Grace is asked to present a lifetime achievement award to director Able Yorke—the man who controlled her every move for eight years—she knows there’s only one way she’ll be free of the secret that’s already taken so much from her.

The Comeback is a powerful and provocative story of justice in the #MeToo era—a true page-turner about a young woman finding the strength and power of her voice.(Goodreads)

I felt a vague disappointment, as if I'd worked myself up for a battle that wasn't worth it in the end.
We were always living different versions of the same story.
I know all about the power imbalance that exists every time you meet someone who's seen you at yourmost vulnerable, whether or not it was your choice in the first place. How you have to hope that they don't use it against you in some way.

“Sometimes we forget that we can never really know someone else,you know, all of them. And that's okay, we're all allowed our secrets, but it does mean that ocassionally we mistake our own perspective, our own narrative, for theirs.”
    The Comeback is not an easy book to digest, there are so many difficult subject addressed here - way beyond the #MeToo movement - that this book feels almost physically heavy and overwhelming. I felt exhausted after finishing my listen to the audio. A good kind of exhausted, but exhausted nevertheless. There was just so much in terms of the emotional load, so many aspects of the story to be considered and mulled over, I felt like I needed another week or two just to fully absorb it all.

    We all know that Hollywood is for young actresses like a dragons's den. We've seen the #metoo articles and stories all around. And I think we also know the emotional and psychological impact of a childhood lost to a glamorous Hollywood carrier. This book explores it all. There is little glamor and happiness behind the scenes of Grace's success. There is little joy and hope in her as a person. She has been exploited, chewed up and spat back out by the merciless Hollywood filmmakers, producers and directors. People to whom she was nothing more but means to make more money. And one person in particular - Able Yorke - the man who made her, controlled her, emotionally and physically (sexually) abused her, and came really close to destroying her.

    This book is an unsettling and gripping look at Grace's psyche, her past and present, her emotions. Her story is raw and unflinching, not embellished in any way, not made for comfort at all. There is hope within it, too, but just like im real life, certain bad things can't be erased or forgotten, and endings are more bittersweet than perfectly happy.

Friday, May 31, 2019

Smoke in her Eyes by Anna Belfrage {Book Blog Tour with Review}

Smoke In Her Eyes by Anna Belfrage

Publication Date: March 15, 2019
Timelight Press
eBook & Paperback; 352 Pages
Series: The Wanderer, Book Two
Genre: Romance/Erotica/Paranormal
Six months ago, Helle Madsen would have described herself as normal. Now she no longer knows if that terms applies, not after her entire life has been turned upside down by the reappearance of not one, but two, men from her very, very distant past. Helle Madsen never believed in mumbo-jumbo stuff like reincarnation—until she came face to face with Jason Morris, a man who purportedly had spent fifty lives looking for her. Coping with being reunited with the lover from her ancient past was one thing. Having Sam Woolf, her vindictive nemesis from that same ancient past join the party was a bit too much. Suddenly, Helle finds herself the reluctant heroine of a far-flung, time-transcending epic story, one in which pain and loss seem to play a very big part. This time round, Jason and Helle are determined to make it to the happily ever after. Unfortunately, Sam Woolf will stop at nothing to crush them. That ride into the golden sunset seems awfully far away at times…

Amazon | Barnes and Noble | IndieBound

This novel is just another example of why I am completely in love with Anna Belfrage's writing. She knows how to grip her readers from the very first lines she writes. Her characters are well developed and the story-line is original and so suspenseful. 

Helle Madsen met Jason Morris six months ago and immediately felt drawn to him. They fell in love fast but this isn't the first time they've been in love, and Helle has had the ride of her life. Remembering little snip its from the past over the last six months have made Helle realize her and Jason are soulmates who have been in love for centuries. Coping with this along with the evil Sam Woolf who can't let Helle and Jason be happy is enough to drive her mad. However, her turmoil isn't quite over yet. Juliet a woman from Jason's past won't let him forget how much she loves him and when she is in a brutal accident she does her best to break Helle and Jason's bond. 

“Mostly I remember all the quiet moments—you know, when you’re just together but you don’t need to talk, you don’t even need to touch, because you’re so aware of each other that you don’t know where your hand ends and his takes over.”
A love saga that spans centuries, this second installment of The Wanderer books is intense, passionate and beyond riveting. You will surely fall in love with Helle and Jason, just as I did.

About the Author

Had Anna been allowed to choose, she’d have become a time-traveller. As this was impossible, she became a financial professional with three absorbing interests: history and writing. Anna has authored the acclaimed time travelling series The Graham Saga, set in 17th century Scotland and Maryland, as well as the equally acclaimed medieval series The King’s Greatest Enemy which is set in 14th century England. (Medieval knight was also high on Anna’s list of potential professions. Yet another disappointment…) With Jason and Helle, Anna has stepped out of her historical comfort zone and has loved doing so. Find out more about Anna by visiting her website,, You can also connect with Anna on Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, and Goodreads.

Blog Tour Schedule

Tuesday, April 30 Feature at Broken Teepee Wednesday, May 1 Feature at What Is That Book About Monday, May 6 Review & Excerpt at The Book Junkie Reads Wednesday, May 8 Interview at The Book Connection Thursday, May 9 Review at Pursuing Stacie Monday, May 13 Review at Bri's Book Nook Tuesday, May 14 Excerpt at Myths, Legends, Books & Coffee Pots Friday, May 17 Review at A Chick Who Reads Saturday, May 18 Feature at The Lit Bitch Monday, May 20 Review at Bookish Thursday, May 23 Feature at Just One More Chapter Monday, May 27 Review at So Many Books, So Little Time Tuesday, May 28 Review & Interview at Passages to the Past Friday, May 31 Feature at Coffee and Ink Review at CelticLady's Reviews


During the Blog Tour, we will be giving away two copies of Smoke In Her Eyes by Anna Belfrage! To enter, please use the Gleam form below. Giveaway Rules – Giveaway ends at 11:59 pm EST on May 31st. You must be 18 or older to enter. – Giveaway is open INTERNATIONALLY. – Only one entry per household. – All giveaway entrants agree to be honest and not cheat the systems; any suspicion of fraud is decided upon by blog/site owner and the sponsor, and entrants may be disqualified at our discretion. – The winner has 48 hours to claim prize or new winner is chosen.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Blog Tour: Button & Bundle by Gretchen McLellan and Gillian Flint

Welcome to our stop of Button & Bundle blog tour!

Hardcover, 32 pages
Published: February 19th 2019 by Alfred A. Knopf Books for Young Readers
Goodreads | Amazon | B&N 

A tender story about two best friends who must move away from each other. With a sprinkle of imagination and a lot of love, Button and Bundle will learn the true meaning of friendship. 

Button and Bundle are best friends. So are their dolls.

But when Button has to move away, she's sad and lonely without Bundle.

Until one day, Button finds a single yellow balloon and an idea. With a little luck, maybe she can reunite Bundle with their dolls again!

Knowing that her faraway friend would be happy is the happiest idea of all.

This sweet and charming friendship story addresses how to cherish old friendships while making new ones. With fun, imaginative play, Button and Bundle create a world they'll share no matter how far apart they are.

     Button & Bundle is a heart-warming and thoughtful picture book about first friendships and healing after having to move away from your beloved best friend. It celebrates friendship in a really beautiful, resonating way, but also shows that even if we have to part with our friends, we can learn to deal with the loss and find new friends along the way, all along remembering our special first friendships. 

      The soft pastel illustrations by Gillian Flint really bring this story to life and add extra meaning to the text. They depict the friendship between Button and Bundle so perfectly! 

     Button and Bundle are two little girl who grew up together and are best friend. They even have little dollies that are also best friends! And they play together, decorate the doll house together and have outdoor adventures together! Until one day, the girls learn that one of them is moving away and so they need to say goodbye. They throw a little good-bye tea party, but there's nothing fun about it. The girls are just too sad to enjoy any of it.

     Time passes, but Button misses Bundle still. Every day she thinks about her friend and wonders what she's doing and if she, too, misses her. And then a yellow balloon flies straight into her hands and Button gets an awesome idea! She ties a little basket to the balloon and puts her dollie in it, she then sends it off into the sky, hoping it'll reach her friend! All the time, she imagines her friend's surprise and happiness upon receiving the basket with the dollie. She thinks about how much fun Bundle will have, how happy she'll be to play with both of her dolls. That brings Button closure and peace of heart.

     And then she meets a new friend and they begin making new memories together!

     We love the message in this book. My daughter had a best friend just like that back when we lived in Santa Fe. Her friend's name was Ava and they did a ton of things together, from playing together at the playground, to watching Peppa Pig and playing with dolls and having birthday parties together. After we moved away from Santa Fe, Tori was very sad and heartbroken, she missed her friend dearly. I wish we had this book back then, as I'm sure it would've helped Tori understand and cope with the parting from her friend.

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